Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012

Negative Images vs Positive Images

I do think positive images sell better than negative images.  Who wants to be beaten over the head time and time again with all the crap that goes on in this world.  News now is a police blotter.  But there is a place for images that tell the other side of life's march forward.  I tend to want to shoot negatively.  It fits my personality better.  I see the world through life's hardships and want to express that through concepts that explore our consumer/money oriented society. We are seeing a change in ads and in movies that explore the anxiety and advertising manipulations of our desires. As Pink Floyd lyric states, "Money is the Root of all Evil today".

But you can get caught up in this negative image trip and lose sight of the humor and the wonder in this world.  So I do try and balance my shooting with beauty and also with the real issues facing us.

Animals and kids are always a favorite for advertisers.  And especially humor.  These images can be used in multiple ways that connect with the consumers own experiences.

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