Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 2024

Gifts To Those Who Think 
They Are The New God

the reverend stepped up to
his pulpit to preach his hand
of god, his love for those that
give freely to those that need
the most, the preacher looked 
out over his congregation his
followers and praised their faith
in god our jesus of nazeris and
our holy ghost, but there were
words to be discussed today
for our holy father was angry
by the congregation for their
dirty trick in god's church, for
not presenting his holiness, your
preacher that stands in his alter
above his sinners selfish need
to buy for their children, for their
own needs and ignore god's 
gifts to papa through my vice of
sexual needs, some know what 
I say is truth, a man, a priest that
gives into twisted lies and demands
his necessities to have his desires
brought to him, his new watch by
next sunday's service for all know
how much I have done to make
this church a symbol of god's
ghostly love for his congregation,
let us pray to our holy one and lets
bow our heads and release ourselves
to god's silent voice, for the leader 
of this church demands that all pull
together to buy your holy man his 
rolex that will show your inner love
and your connection to god through my 
words of power for I always get what I 
desire for I am one that desires discretion
over those that enter my church lonely

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