Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024 

The Destructive Lives To Come

Sit and stare at external objects
desired by ones demanding ego
to have is more valuable than to 
let go and open oneself to the
beauty that is present but dying
in polluted screams of criminal 
intent, each second of your life
should be intense, an inner sight
beginning to unravel ones fears
of the outside forces of evil with
devilish intent, words twisted
attempts to move the discussion
onto an angry rant of ones freedom
in jeopardy, lets rally together 
and fight each other while the
rich get massively richer at our
expense as we spew hate for
others doing the same without
stepping back and realizing that
you and your friends have been
had and the anger you have
been spewing should have been
directed in full force, by all of us
toward the true culprits robbing
our tax dollars, the very ones
always hidden behind their ivory
towers as the world dies, people
die in created wars, countries run
by crooks self interested dictators
all intertwined in a network of
crooked minds ignoring the cries
of help from starving children,
families fleeing their only homes
to escape the paid vigilantes evil
nature, what is to be done as we
work and sleep in exhaustion 
getting up early each morning 
ready to work hard in the afternoon
and night just to feed the family

what a scam of lies with their greedy
minds, a stage performance hoping to 
placate the audience into believing our
script and its repetitions, propaganda
to hate change, to hate immigrants 
fleeing their violent lands, to hate
anybody, everybody that thinks this
country is a fraud filled with untruths
with laws beginning to multiply in
the entire take over of our USA of
corruption for the elites by the elites
that could give a damn about the
children growing up in a wasteland of
future wars, pollution, laws to protect
the oligarchs as tornados, floods,
hurricanes destroy mother earth for 
money and more money of greedy crooks

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29, 2024

The Active Mother Nature

Insisting on feeling the external marvel of
mother nature now beginning to rot in the
man made pollution, the drains taking the
excrement to the Puget Sound where 
currents strong soon the discarded waste
will reach the Pacific Ocean, people react
violently to an order to do what all must
do to survive in this catastrophic atmosphere
changes beginning to explode in fires, flooding,
dying crops, storms, powerful rain, mighty winds,
pollutants, hurricanes, we all seem numb to 
the ones guilty of ignoring the scientists
proclamation that yes this planet is dying 
rapidly and nature could care less if human's
exist or not, what do we seek in moments
revelations, each second precious, each
morning a journey in sun's open arms, what
we know we ignore, what we don't know,
don't trust, we accept as laws stated by the
money interests being paid to move minds into 
a corral of what ifs, confusion leading to 
acceptance or revelation of ones inner self 
finding a unique vision of oneself understanding
the status of wealthy crops that take what
they believe is rightfully theirs but in a normal
reality and not an excessive appetite for
destruction and by accepting your status one 
of seeing but not believing, what is time but
a blink of an eye and your life once enjoyed
now tethered to a desire to break free from
the human devotion to lie for more profits
as land, water, homes, buildings, cars, 
trucks will soon be seeking a new escape
but they won't find any for soon our planet
will be devastated without hope for a future


Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 2024

Gifts To Those Who Think 
They Are The New God

the reverend stepped up to
his pulpit to preach his hand
of god, his love for those that
give freely to those that need
the most, the preacher looked 
out over his congregation his
followers and praised their faith
in god our jesus of nazeris and
our holy ghost, but there were
words to be discussed today
for our holy father was angry
by the congregation for their
dirty trick in god's church, for
not presenting his holiness, your
preacher that stands in his alter
above his sinners selfish need
to buy for their children, for their
own needs and ignore god's 
gifts to papa through my vice of
sexual needs, some know what 
I say is truth, a man, a priest that
gives into twisted lies and demands
his necessities to have his desires
brought to him, his new watch by
next sunday's service for all know
how much I have done to make
this church a symbol of god's
ghostly love for his congregation,
let us pray to our holy one and lets
bow our heads and release ourselves
to god's silent voice, for the leader 
of this church demands that all pull
together to buy your holy man his 
rolex that will show your inner love
and your connection to god through my 
words of power for I always get what I 
desire for I am one that desires discretion
over those that enter my church lonely

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26, 2024

The Beginning Of The Ending

Be yourself not a record player
of words uploaded in your young


Religion is pain, medication, a drug
that one gets addicted to and loses
sight of ones independent thoughts


We are close to the end of our days
not because of some mystic character
that supposedly sacrificed himself for
our salvation


Living or being present in the shadows
of space somewhere in this fowl 
universe, but our end of days is coming,
the greedy evil of human beings is ripe


get your brains on right, greedy fingers,
human beings reversing their beliefs,
the days shorten, the destruction of our
natural resources is only the beginning,


what we will soon release, that we are 
no longer the powerful wealth or a 
brown noser for it is too late now for


our mother earth is now destroying what once
was her beauty but now it is her survival
as mankind continues, constantly breaking apart
what once was a masterpiece of earthly delight


your playing off my words, individual points
of light easy to follow, hard to grasp and
hold onto the flowing moments never to 
be duplicated by those without a vision of truth


Monday, April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024

The Eyes That Change

Torn flesh is disposable, what
happens when one uses love as
a whipping post


little quirks, a simple light breeze
changing your thought patterns
to a visible premonition

time can't be named, it can't exist
for we are the eyes that change
our reality to fit our resolve for a

leadership of poorly demanded 
choices, weak melting butter used
in different ideas picking apart

constant separations in a reality
without morals, take adam and 
eve naive and abandoned by a god


that felt he knew more than them because
our leader never fully explained what
choices disrupt a perfect facade and


created anger, aggression and challenges
that will always lead to a violent war
for the innocent slaves used by power


separating us from each other lingering
time always their to force one to perform,
in a violent action to show our god, his


superiority, our unified persona allowing 
us to work together, our break in the 
clouded emotion, then a break down


in a ride with plenty of flat tires, differences
appear when a disagreement, a choice breaks
apart the foundation of a different emotion


a sense one no longer believes in god's 
empty voice by a priest begging fathers
forgiveness for the problem with people


is they blame violence on others, their
children abused by parents an as they
grow they put on a facade of power, as


if that would keep them free of their
inner hate, fear, anger at the family 
that abused them into a shell of needs


over others, this is a normal sequence
of hate in a violent reality ruled by
the forces of greed in their negativity


of the mind, storms, the idols of power, a
tower on fire tearing everyone apart as shadows
deep anxiety begin to sense a means of escape

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 19, 2024

we have separated ourselves 
from ancient myths to summon
in our historic memories, the
only one given to us in perfect


we fear the knowing of our
history, inventing deities that
put man to the test


the christian cross is the most
telling symbol of the mythological
passage into the abyss of death


an acceptance of stories drawn
on cave walls, we now have moved
these into our very consciousness
so in betted that we feel the very
essence of our god present inside
us but now becoming an external
idol to worship in his silence to us
over centuries


chaos is a natural external revelation
and chaos is absorbed in us with feeling
of despair for we seek a place of
worship, a structure of god that will 
not break apart so we pray to our lord,
our savior in this devolution, this
breaking apart our beliefs in knowing 
that god is not coming for us, he has
abandoned his myth, his stylish love
giving his appearance of just a man,


it is us that have moved away from the
made up stories of this magnificent
savior that came to earth to take us 
to his paradise that not even him knows
its where abouts


people hurry by ignoring the little nothings
of a truth born out of fear, of darkness, 
of animals hunting humans, our minds
light sensing something more important
that the easy deaths of our false beliefs
or ignorance becoming little bricks of
insight finally building a civilization of
greed to stop the expanse of human
ingenuity and as we built our towers of
babuls we moved away from gods power
to our own violent power but still kept
the bible and churches to placate the
human civilization so they wouldn't go
wild with no one of power looking down
on them from a throne now inhabited
by the elites of wealth, the new gods


a tending to see in others a likeness
changing constantly as we struggle to
accept the dark void that surrounds 
this planet with little specks of light
off in the distance as we move through
pond scum, and an inner death awaits

Monday, April 15, 2024

April 15, 2024

An Independent Corruption

the simplest reason for becoming an
independent mind, by focusing on the
cities being ravaged, land destroyed,
homes taken, young people at war
for profit only, not theirs, murderous
excitement over the face of one active
in the killing of innocence without a
bat of an eye, the glee of the sacrifice
one of simplicity in an action of one
caught up in the beginning of the 
psychotic wolves hunting for those
broken, sick without hope of survival
easy planted in a group, a tribe of
sociopathic, murderous animals, 
slinking around this destructive world
whereby the jealous, the cowards,
the 1%, the elected crooks all seeking
financial security as they undermine
and destroy the future for all the low
paying jobs they seek to take and take 
some more from the college students
which led to thousands of dollars just 
to get a diploma that won't give you a 
job for you were scammed to end up
broke with a low paying job and bills 
growing never to pay off your debt
in this reality we are forced to live in

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13, 2024

The Coming Despair

the deception learned
the ease of escape
the fruitless flies
swarming around an
empty bowl once 
filled with a variety
of fruits now rotting,
a taste of life the
sequence of doubts
placed purposefully
as a means of false
actions, for each of 
us have a way of knowing
what destroys our
expressive demands as
we place our failures
in everyone else that
surround us and gives to us
our belief in our self-worth

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 April 10, 2024

a stagnant mind demanding
a consciousness that invites
those of earlier times a free
wonderful day of dreams that
pause and then evaporate
without a forceful choice
determined to bring forth a
new revelation that seeks to
guard oneself from the those
antagonistic spoilers under-
mining your new vision of a
reality opening up and a vision
of the greedy oligarchs now
filled with anxiety as glorious
lies are finally dissected, their
ego's exposed tired for their
forceful corruption that bends 
voices expressing a fake truth
and allows those in a position
to undermine mother earth again
for profits only that lead to
continued wars created by 
billionaires addiction to power
as they move their monies 
endlessly into off shore accounts


Monday, April 8, 2024

 April 8, 2024

these lost lives without depth 
the propaganda machine 
controlling force over what
people will believe as it takes
their lives and twists their
minds around hate toward
anyone that doesn't have faith
in the powerful white race that
exploits the human underlings
without a means of separation
from those of power that can
pull the puppet stings and change
ones perspective where black is 
bad and white is right as our
lives become more and more 
fearful as innocent human beings
are murdered by hate for the
sociopathic actions are always
pain given and death always 
presents killing at random those
human beings that don't deserve
to live full lives for we are the
power that will decide all futures

Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024

swiftly as the seasons change,
disappear until a new revelation
of mother earth's natural expression
for life is a gift that we all must
immerse ourselves in a reality with
high hopes but soon released as
one is overwhelmed by the actions
needed in a life built around jobs
that lesson your ability to represent
the foundation of your once dreams
now retreating for your imagination
is stifled through family duties 
bringing home the foods to feed 
your children knowing each year
you lose more ground as the company
you work for has decided to move the
business oversees and your hope was
a devastating punch to your stomach
that made your future crumble as the
wealthy sit around enjoying the 
employees disastrous understanding,
riches decision to make more money 
overseas than paying these american's
high wages for the rich have already
decided a year ago that they are the
blessed ones and their lives are more
important that the workers future
for we own this planet of wars and a
climate catastrophic killing innocent
men, women and children for profit

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

the rise and fall of hope
always the taking away
never the giving of ones
chances to blossom in
the shady corruption of
ones future, stagnant
without advancement for
these wealthy sociopaths
exist to flounder and then
destroy all people that
stand for discipline and
demanding changes in the
corruption of our politicians,
our wars of the military
industrial complex destroying
the future of young men and
women feeling grateful to
defend the US from other
countries, finally seeing the
truth of our governments
hypocrisy, their lies to put
our young military in vicious
fighting by supplying these
newbies to join the real world
of the elites of power not
caring if men, women and
children are killed for profits
and the true nature of our
wealthy's greed for power 

Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024

what is your lonely wish
to become more than just
a physical presence without
a depth of knowing your
inner truth, like now is a
quartet of lies purposely
given to confuse your outer
shell with a belief in nothing
but your own selfish greed,
to take from the down and
out giving to the elites of
master criminals that own
this spec of dust, this world
rotting under the selfish 
demands of egotistical money
laundering that have no real
purpose to do good but to
destroy lives and take what 
they know they can steal as
mother earth demands change,
retribution of those of greed
destroying our unique reality