Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, January 27, 2024

January 27, 2024

Lies Become Truth

lies becoming truth, engrained in 
peoples mind that they are right
on and those unbelievers shall be
punished by the church by priests
that enjoy raping youth for it won't 
be long that the catholic church
will soon loose a boat load of
priests that will be excommunicated
for their dirty deeds of brutality
done dirt cheep our beliefs are only
words memorized in your youth but
as you grew older the priests, the
church left ones feeling alone without
a means of justice, not a loneliness
without a means of escaping the 
brutality of priests and teachers as
they show their true character of
raping boys and girls barely 10
for these imposters of supposed
goodness hiding behind their robes
giving communion and the taking
the body of christ, for religion is
a scam, loud mouths telling the 
congregation to put their money
where it belongs in the basket of
sin, so the priest can enjoy his
party time for it is getting close to
god's only truth, be yourself or
parish in the soot of a damned life,
a child's life wasted by rapists 
breaking apart a boys life never to
return, these brutes of criminal raping
of children, that eventually kill 
themselves for their life once open 
with ideas that would change their 
reality now closed in dark silence 
a life once open and wishful now gone

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