Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 8, 2023

rebellious action, a means of escape
the constant voices telling you to act
responsible without undermining ones
ability to compete with the other families
of wealth, what we feel, what we see,
what we hear, what we touch, what
we speak is an allusion, a means of
control over your independence for the
powers of racist greed demand loyalty
of their corrupt actions for what we are
to the robber barons is nothingness
without hope for lives are expendable,
documented, processed and abandoned
for we are thrown aside, washed away
in poverty from the currents of corruption
of power for we are all placed within the
boundaries of lies hypocritical demands
we close our eyes, ears, mouth, breath
and despair for dreams in youth once 
motivating us now our actions are rotting
without a means of resurrecting your 
inner intuition to become more than
just flesh to be used and then discarded

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