Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 30 , 2023

only when you are dead will you have life
as the catholic church receives a fortune
a mind boggling money grabbing fortune
through the centuries as their zombie
worshipers couldn't see the bait switches
that haled wealth as the new god's and the
people only slaves to die working, then and
now we are all in the same sinking boat

even in todays abhorrent filth of sexual
appetites and lawyers hired by the rich
of this holy city in Italy, a private city
where these men of power make sure
the people were born to suffer the pain
of jesus on a cross thousands of years
ago on this planet which will give your
passage to heaven beyond the wildest dreams

and if you listen to this crock of shit it is
only to keep the people sedated in place,
a pacifying way to quiet their hell on earth
to corrupt them into truly believing that 
their wealth and gluttony, just like all the 
other sinful, religious, ego maniacs for the
history of our separation from nature and
true human emotions, not the lies of thief's

creating a vocabulary that dictates to your
inner mind what you will do in order to 
rise to a heavenly nothing, for this will
keep us meek to the powers of the churches
and angry towards anyone that doesn't 
hold our faith will be punished for those
that don't believe in our church's god for
this side tracks our truth to hate and ignore

our own stupidity as we react like pavlos's
dog when these treacherous men of biblical
fraud are able to exploit their power over the
flock of believers that immediately get stirred
up to hate others in the preachers good old
power of meddling with their hidden thoughts 
of someone else's to get them to do what he
demands not a god invisible to the naked eyes

for these men and women of our church where 
their work is based around hate of their past
childhood, for the words of the almighty satan
states that the power of our lives is one and
only one, our holy father of sin for these cult's 
of god's love for the few will never learn who
or what they are truly worshipping

Sunday, November 26, 2023

 November 26, 2023

Island ruined as fires blaze and destroy
entire cities, we have reasons to be 
angry at the elites of money power
more interested in profits rather than
saving mother earth and the people
having their homes burned, destroyed
as we compose for our destructive
planet, accusations of those behind
this catastrophic force of mother 
nature, right now we are beginning
to realize the true culprits destroying
this planet and collecting billions of
destructive monies for these wealthy
egotistical minds of ruin that believe
they have always been rulers of this planet
through bribery, escalating weapons
as wars explode and climate destroying
our lands as this entire planet is under
siege and the culprits of murder are 
oligarchs that see only wealth as their
god, their way of life begins to waver 
with growing bad air and the destruction
of our once beautiful islands, forests, 
lakes, oceans, as more and more doubts,
that what we have here is a planet breaking
apart destroying everything in its path
because our world was created by greed

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 22, 2023

an evil eye seeking contact with 
those involved, clamoring for food
depleted by nature's vicious
retaliation of human deceit by
breaking apart those beginning
to feel the voices clamoring for
change before it is too late, these
simple drafts of our future if we
don't step back and take control
of those determined to destroy
this planet for they own the 
supreme court that put a facade
of caring over their faith but each
of our judges are bought to obey,
there is a growing awareness of
how mother earth is angry and as
the wealthy laugh and praise their
ability to take what they demand 
is theirs while our planet breaks 
apart and volcanoes reject the
pollution damaging every country
and the population begins to fear
the true evil of those greedy for
profit crooks as the planet dies
in bloody battles for the rich will
fail to win and their big, private
homes will be demolished by truth

Sunday, November 19, 2023

November 19, 2023

rusted minds seeking a means of
diluted thoughts, those redundant
voices being put in a soap opera
of jealous lies demanding those 
that take without batting an eye
know their limits of stealing for
our lives now are built around men
and women that have egotistical
ideas that bend the mouthy chatter
of anger as they pray waiting in a 
blank means of despair for this
reality we were born into is only
a whisper of ideas that open your
mind to a vague understanding
as one begins to accept their place
in a separate realizations that what
these sociopaths demand so they
can drool over the possibilities of
taking, stealing another's hard 
earned money for we the riders of
the angry that wanted more but 
ended up with pennies on the so
called freedom act for none of us 
are free, we are all pawns to be
taken and used without any mercy
but we know now in our realization 
that we will not stand for anymore rich
crooks for in our minds there was once 
a beautiful resurrection of our lives 
moving toward a truth opening its heart
to all willing to give not take from those 
trying to live a good life without fear

Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 18, 2023

the concept of truth is an illusion,
a wishful thought of self-worth, each
minute, each hour, each day, each 
month, each year, is just another
loss of knowing, we seek a means
of escape into a reality that creates
our inner illusive self brought forward
for our inner ego's expand into areas
of ideas that bring forth a mind that
is overwhelmed by the hypocrisy
of our lives for each of us are jealous
of life's changes where the old rich 
revert back to playing poor and the
new wealth prances around showing
the rich of the aging families that
their time is over and the new breed
of gluttony is here by cashing in on 
the money of the poor, the middle 
class and the upper middle class that 
we own, for those sitting on their 
thrones watching the world digress
into desperation to find people, 
places and dirty thugs to spread 
outward into the selfish greedy 
actions that undermine the peoples 
hope and ability to get better pay and
doctors care, for what we seem to
never realize is we are all one not
broken apart by the oligarchs of 
vicious assaults on those that are
trying to let others know of the hate
spreading around this dying planet
by those addicted to being worshiped

Friday, November 17, 2023

November 17, 2023

the inevitable destruction of caring
for those of little means of putting
food on the table and clothes on
your children for all is not well, this
world is demanding retribution for
the damage done by those wicket
men and women of wealth for they
are not there to help the people but
take from the population their hard
earned pennies on their dollars 
dwindling, losing momentum as
everyone deems vultures arriving
not to sing a happy tune but to 
take what they can from anyone 
for they wish to play with people's
lives for everyone is now mentally
stagnant without a means of escaping
this torturous execution of men,
women and children for all is being
taken from the hard earned workers
trying to keep their families together
and trying to fight off the ruling 
elites ownership of those weaklings
sucking up to these crooks of greed
for more and more property to steal,
to build new homes of wealth without
caring for those being run off their
lands for decades for the rich demand
they are treated like gods with no mercy

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14, 2023

their hands grasp for pleasure
without a thought of faith

these vicious ego's of power
never realizing until to late

for death awaits all that had
only greed in the glee of taking

from others without a means of
change for they were born and

raised in a household with anger
building and tears holding the fear

quietly listening to his hateful voice
starting another beating from father,

his forceful ability to seek, feel,
laugh and pray at words from

a bible that was created to make
all of us feel less than who we are

as our holy god gives no voice but
only written words that were made 

to create fear in all slaves to do their
work for their god will bless them

in agony, their is no god present but
our own lives being taken by those

in priests clothes, religious power 
undermines innocence by robbing

them of their youth as tears stream down
and they are raped by past centuries

Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11, 2023

wilting thoughts
without a means
of escape for each
moment has a beginning,
and a lack of experience
but never a meaningful
delivery of a conditioned
response for all you are
worth is what you steal
starting with a young punk
believing in himself, a
skill growing, knowing that
the only way to be open
minded, praised because of
your ability to change
someone's mind to do the 
right thing not by morals
or ethics but the right thing,
has nothing to do with those
of greedy ways, stealing others
last remaining hopes for evil 
exists as a reminder that heaven
has always been a means of
escaping this harrowing life
of torturous misery for those
that know the lies and also
realizing that nothing can stop
our fear based reality forcing 
us to take from those losing
their jobs and their families
in poverty for we all participate
in an unbelievable demand to 
be present in our physical
presence and we must keep
people ready for the long battle
with their destruction of this 
planet for profit and profit only


Friday, November 10, 2023

November 10, 2023

colors change, stagnate and then decay
the leaves blood red, rich in their autumn
celebration soon to fade and drown then to
let go becoming nutrients for the dry soil
binding seasons to mother earth, a cycle 
of beauty and death now united with earth's
rejuvenation its readings will express a
life force with a new growth, a new existence

Thursday, November 9, 2023

 November 9, 2023

outer signs were ignored
inner signs were accepted

our little ballet moving across
the galaxy without

a rutter to keep our planet
moving into the right

direction, we can never feel or
contemplate a meaningful

revelation for through our history
lies have always been

built around high and mighty
crooks taking others income

as if it was their christian duty
to steal from families in dire

straits for our lives are stark and
dying and mother nature 

has had enough of our pollutions
and the destruction of our once

beautiful oceans for now we have
fires, storms, wars, murderous

slavery that never ended, this 
destructions of our once beautiful

landscapes once attractive and 
relaxing now being destroyed

where do we end, where do we
begin again, it is to late

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

November 7, 2023

what is left in the corrupt ages we live
in where mega businesses have only one
purpose money, wealth and land away
from dangerous areas that we have created
your good old boys of richness beyond belief
for we are looking for places to put our
beautiful homes away from cities and 
snoopy on lookers for we have a security 
team that protects us and our assets and 
all will be arrested if one puts one step
onto our land, if you listen to the lies of
those with power, placating the masses,
making them think that what the rich do
is just their casual daily deposit into 
their off shore accounts as one begins to 
see, feel with anger toward these robbers,
these thief's of brutal cruelty taking from
innocent people their livelihood putting
out in the streets taking their homes as
the families fight to stay strong but it is a
losing battle for all against the power of
greed, whether it be a store, land in hell
the rich will just laugh and pretend they
are here to help others for ultimately all
money goes into the hands of crooks

Monday, November 6, 2023

November 6, 2023

the righteous call of disastrous lies
pretending to be one that empathizes
with those in need, if only they would
praise the lord and kneel before the
wooden cross where a man god named
jesus was nailed trying to save humanity
from the purpose of evil that has begun
its determination to take the from the
people trying to survive, their homes, 
their jobs and their lives, for the poor 
quality of work payments from the 
wealthy's greed, their burning desires
to take and take from those hard 
working human beings trying to make it,
starting to realize that these rich thieves 
need to be stopped, as they, the wealthy
manipulators force us through lies into
believing our lives are not for your after
death any longer, for this life is all you
get working 10, 12 or more hours each
day trying to pay your rent payment 
while your boss-man doesn't like you 
so he tries to get rid of you with his
continuous loud mouth needling you
to leave, nothing is for sure now 
everything is becoming a landslide, a
heaviness of their gods mysterious
invisibility that demands more and more
greedy monies for aren't the oligarchs
the ones that bring new gods of profits

Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5, 2023

what is the necessary means of escape
for we lust for money, power and sex, for
our lives are not real but necessary to build
lame ego's up again as these men and women
of wealth dissect mankind's need and place
a desire to feed off others as one begins
his journey into the revelations of others
doing what you have begun, a person seeking
more and more power as one cuts loose 
and can't perform for the rich could careless
about your future as long as you perform, 
and bring forth those that want to begin
feeling more aware and more certain of
those that stand in our way no matter how 
rich for they will soon feel the inability to
be the ones of power but a man fearful
of his life now rotting and taken apart

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 8, 2023

rebellious action, a means of escape
the constant voices telling you to act
responsible without undermining ones
ability to compete with the other families
of wealth, what we feel, what we see,
what we hear, what we touch, what
we speak is an allusion, a means of
control over your independence for the
powers of racist greed demand loyalty
of their corrupt actions for what we are
to the robber barons is nothingness
without hope for lives are expendable,
documented, processed and abandoned
for we are thrown aside, washed away
in poverty from the currents of corruption
of power for we are all placed within the
boundaries of lies hypocritical demands
we close our eyes, ears, mouth, breath
and despair for dreams in youth once 
motivating us now our actions are rotting
without a means of resurrecting your 
inner intuition to become more than
just flesh to be used and then discarded

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 1, 2023

release the irons of guilt
move forward toward your
goals, each motion is a 
creation intertwined with
your ability to open your
mind and place yourself free
without baggage, without
fear for your life that has just
begun, not in revelations but
through our addiction toward
a bible that replaces our
once created god dying for
our sins as we move toward
new goals, words with depth
and an undercurrent of
expressions that open our 
eyes forward without fear
as a new commonality of
others as our generations 
begin to realize that life here
on this dying planet is not
made from a book of terror
and sacrifice but simply to
understand that we raise our
hands to help others in need 
never to feel abandoned