November 5, 2022
faith, a belief in an invisible god determining our future in the old and new testament, a mean spirited ruler of mankind willingly attacking and murdering men, women and children as these egotistical rulers demanding all worship them and not some fictional character of man's make believe world, a paradise
waiting to be entered not destroyed even if one kills innocence but repents to a godly illusion, a godless man, a make believe father, his son and a hidden holy ghost that will even forgive a serial killer allowing them to rise into a paradise and these aggressive self centered animals will explore their new home on
a cloud and look for ways to dominate the afterlife in the name of their holy man nailed to a wooden cross while his almighty father stutters and wonders finally what happened to this world of thieves that my son would absolve them of their murderous criminality and allow them to exploit those that deserve an
eden, oh right I broke that apart too for I was angry at these beings I created to worship me and not my son or holy ghost or mankind that was already out of control full of abusive demands on the poor and the meek for once I would have said they will inherit the earth but no way now for me and my only children
will rise again not in a new testament but will stick together this time and divide mankind into many off shoots of your savior my son jesus christ resurrected to praise his only father, lets remember joseph was present only as a character to love mary in any way possible, for our god father in a book created to stifle
any attempt to claim that we are the truth but only humans trying
to siege power to give to our holy father which is pretty hard to do
for we realize that we must fight for ourselves as gods do and we must
abandoned our outer facade and move swiftly into the 1% that symbolize our human nature for more is better than nothing and in that philosophy we now must worship and adore our gods of greed
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