Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30, 2022

Our holy god sent his only son to save us from these powerful sociopaths, these animals from our past, present and future that enjoy seeing pain in others, heartbreaks and they idolize their power over human beings through aggressive demands, enjoying their wealth by abusing innocent men, women and children with their cruel natures, these powerful rich that own this planet strictly for profit over human lives.

Why should they care about the climate catastrophe, the fires, the storms, the flooding for all of this becomes profits when people try to rebuild their homes and properties. 

And yet billions of people ignore the travesty of these crooks and still pray to an invisible god to help them through their life and raise them up to a heaven that doesn't exist. 

What exists today is fear not of death but the oligarchs creating violent wars, murdering innocent men, women and children for profit over human lives.

As we rise up to eight billion human beings living on mother earth, and their belief in a god figure, a child man that will answer all our prayers as they seek forgiveness for their collusion, their evil hypocrisy, these bought and sold politicians, yes sir, anything you say we will do sir, so they can kneel before the oligarchs, that demand loyalty in their criminal enterprise.

These men and women of power over human beings destroying youth and their future lives, taking away any hope of a decent well paying job on this dying planet until one realizes that mother earth is ours too and we must fight to break apart the greed that does so much destruction and murdering of innocence, for the lives of our children must be protected from these ominous thugs of hate, greed and violence.

God doesn't answer our prayers we answer our own prayers. We were given through the centuries an old testament and new testament, these are just words in a book that have no meaning for us now for we have been cheated through the centuries to believe all we have to do is die and we will be lifted up on angel wings to a beautiful gate that will be closed, for our supposedly loving holy father abandoned his 1st paradise here on mother earth and went out to find a planet that would worship him not with brutal violence but with love for all.

We feel our lives are turning sower without depth or joy for the wealthy are herding us into stagnate lives without a sense of purpose. We have no means of escaping these evil facades of power and money for we have been branded in color schemes from the wealthy breaking apart our dreams without our voices demanding change, all the movies, sports and news give us a one sided look at a disintegration of our world for profit only, as the wealthy praise these warriors protecting their moneyed interest with excessive violence. 

Our youth have been betrayed to believe that a new way of living is theirs to take, when in fact their lives have already been determined and placed in terror ridden poverty and forced labor that keeps them broke for the rich demand that we do what we are told, our coming generation of shallow minds of hate toward themselves and other.

The politicians, those brown noses that kneel before their new gods and praise them for their caring smile of hate for these elected officials have been told what to say, think and feel. 

I know there are some great politicians still in office trying to break free of the head-lock these crooks of wealth have on the majority of our elected officials.

We have become placated by fear to sit still and do as you are told for to rebel against our new gods of powerful greed, beyond comprehension, would end your life living in a good neighborhood and back to skid row where all those down and out have to live and try to survive. 

To rebel against those of excessive power leads to your demise without a hope of becoming free from their dirty handed schemes of exploitation of youth who think their future has great potential. Mother earth has a lot to say about that as she begins to turn away from natures beauty and begins its destruction. 

Is it better to just keep your mouth shut and work hard not in your dreaming days of youth knowing what you wanted to be but now in your demoralized life cleaning floors for the wealthy.

Give me a stark revelation that god has come to you asking you to repent for your actions of not worshiping him, your holy father, repent for your life is meaningless unless you pray to his holiness, your creator, a god that needs to hear through words and not facts of his existence, that you believe in him our holy father, and his son, dying for our sins and the holy ghost that flutters along getting into peoples hairy head.

We all know what happened in the garden of eden and god's jealous tricks to abandon his original children, for eden was a con game luring eve to eat the apple because she was hungry and that freed god up to exploit the children of adam and eve for god's ego is bigger than what you think for our god has a massive amount of sinful acts aimed toward innocence. 

Remember our holy bible, we are here in this once garden of eden to serve the wealthy until we die!

If the catholic church can rise up to own parishioners that will give them their homes and land once dead you can believe the greed, the wealth that is in the vatican well hidden from the people that come to worship our pope a dope, which gives one the feeling of hypocrisy that these men of the cloth have one goal and only one goal, power over their congregation of puppets.

The bible is a mix of worship, violence and wars for each country believes their god is better than yours. These gods never show their face for they don't exist, the powers that be that run these churches, temples have set up their false god that is always silent because he doesn't want to interfere with our bloody history, our demands for others to die in the name of our father, a god invisible to the human eye but somehow we know he is present because the priest raised jesus's eucharist, his flesh and the wine his blood to allow you to shed your sins of human nature. 

But now human beings are turning into animal behavior, facades without caring for their actions and there  consequences, building hate, anger and exploitation of the people as their golden cow for more profits off their working backs.

God is silent because he doesn't exist in this vast universe of empty thoughts, shallow ideas of power over the congregation for the bible is their weapon of control over the people working them to death for the roman catholic church is greedy and will demand access to all your possessions and you will rise up to heaven in a cloud filled with ghosts of the past and new angels trying hard not to laugh at the idiots that believe in the lies that they are being taken to a paradise for we have destroyed it here on this planet for profits.

Lets get real churches are not looking to save your soul from hell but take your hard earned cash when your soul fades away and you are in darkness, alone while true evil raises his arms to the heavens and is excited about the swindle, the gaining of your money!

Empathy for others doesn't exist in this greedy world of words meaningless indifference as wealth begin their true goal, all must worship them over your false savior. 



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