Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, March 25, 2021

March 25, 2021

Social Media

Words are lies put in a sentence which look like it has a reasonable truth. But if you rely on a words surface glitter you will be betrayed because words can manipulate you into believing a false witness.

But your depth of intuition can eliminate the lies being presented if you would only listen to your inner voice.

Words can master your inner doubts. Controlling feelings without an answer that is reliable in its presentation.

No truth spoken is not truth, mouthing something from a person of power doesn’t make what that person states is true. More often than not they use words to protect their accumulated wealth on the backs of the working woman and man.

The oligarchs that now control most of the worlds population will use any means possible to defend their rights to manipulate and steal money from the people on this planet. They will not blink an eye to use propaganda to inflate their caring stature and at the same time they are busy preparing for another buying spree by giving money to our politicians for a law tailored for them to vote thumbs up on and that will give the affluent more and more insurance that their way of life, the greed and monstrosity of their shallow principles will be past down to their children and their children’s children while the human race suffers and is exploited for their inability to see the truth and to finally say enough!

Words take from you, your inner self, your beliefs, breaks you apart, dilutes your ability to remain positive under the pressure of someones critical eye. 

We are becoming a surveillance population where they know more about you than you know about yourself.

These word masters can spin anything to make it look
reliable. The truth can seem so right that ones forgets to look at the motive for those words being mouthed. False words always mean to manipulate you to believe in a someone elses greedy manipulation.

If you look closely without taking sides you will find that most of the words used in politics and social media are lies. Their words are not presented to support a cause but their to undermine a cause that could help the American people. If you mark a like to what you have just read you are opening yourself up for the propaganda machine to attract you for your vote by sending you a bait and switch con game night and day.

What is truth and what is false? This living with constant distractions that are purposely posted on news channels. I would hardly call them news worthy, when was the last time any news organization did a report of the wars raging all over this planet, fires burning out of control, people leaving their homes because of climate change, people migrating out of corrupt countries and social media hampering your ability to think independently. You are allowing some other entity to determine your future through a false narrative. Corrupting your ability to see the underlying currents of media’s underhanded manipulations.

This is no longer the United States Of America but the United States of The Wealthy shaping their narrative to impress you, to direct you to vote for something or someone that could give a flying rats ass about your life, for their goal is more massive tax breaks for the very people who need it least, the billionaires!

Words sound good and direct you to a source of reliability, a person or an organization your can trust. You might as well hand your credit cards over to them for you have been scammed to believe in a false witness. Just ask yourself why would someone care about your vote which is meaningless. What they care about is getting one more sucker to believe in people that are taking your money as you give them your support.

The depth of words are shallow graves. How they form in a sentence can become deep explosive mines of greed that con you into believing a snake wearing a suit is offering you a truth.

Social media has one goal, to sell you products you don’t need and to sell advertising for those products you don’t want. By giving them information on your social media site you have opened the flood gates of ads tempting you to buy, buy and buy. What else is America made for but selling our souls to the ad man.

The goal of social media is to allow politician’s trolls to roam freely on their sites and to post a false narrative of what these men and women of integrity will do for you if you vote them into office. These politicians have the nerve to say the words ”for you” they work. That can’t be father from the truth. They pimp themselves out to the highest bidder and who can keep them in office to exploit and gain more payments for their double crossing the people that believed in them. Wake up, trust your inner intuition don’t be duped again by someone that promises you hope but can’t explain how he/she is going to do it. These politician use cliches to makeup their true character facade. They don’t give a damn about the people that elected them, they care for the wealthy that have used their slush funds to promote the politicians lies. If a politician can’t dig deeper under his words and express a positive truth you better believe that they have nothing under the hood but a Super Pac paying them.

When a politician states he or she is doing the peoples work you better believe that they are doing the work for the money men and women.

Your truth is in you, what you feel, think and expect from your own words and not the words from a shell of a politician that preaches togetherness but uses words viscously to tear the American people apart!

Listen to your inner voice, don’t assume truth comes from the wealthy’s propaganda machine. TV and radio just like social media are paid by the wealthy to incite behavioral patterns so we will clash amongst ourselves and they can keep stealing from our hard earned tax dollars with a continual decrease in the amount of taxes they have to pay. Gosh it must be hard on them hiding their money in off shore accounts. They are true Americans!

Think for yourself, your truth shouldn’t be built around someone else’s lies.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7, 2021

As one gets older we begin to think of our families and how they will remember us.

What will be your legacy of images created over 45 years of being a photographer?

Are your children interested in your images? Will you make a book of what you think is your best work?

Will a family member help you with words of praise?

When you have tens of thousands of images where do you begin the editing process to pick out what you believe are your best photography?

I will edit my images that I feel tell a story of my life, my travels through nature and city life. I will not just pick photos that have color but ones that have depth and express what I felt while I was creating those photographs.

I want my daughters to feel what I felt making my images. The connection with the landscape, the deeper connection with the people that allowed me to create their image because of my respect for them.

I want my family to feel in my images how photography was more than just a click of the shutter but a way of life for me.

Photography made me a better person and it taught me to respect nature and the beautiful people present before me.

With a camera in hand one has the ability to get into places one would never be able to enter.

Images express your personality but also your deep connection with people willing to allow you to make a picture of them.

If I am going to go to the trouble of editing my images I want to give my daughters a sense of the times their parents lived in. The Vietnam war was raging, the Iraq wars were destroying lives, protests were growing in numbers ramping up all over this country. 

People living in fear and when I got my draft notice in 1972 I fell to my knees. I was lucky, two weeks later I received another letter from President Nixon telling me not to report for my physical because he was withdrawing troops from Vietnam!

This drama focused my attention on college and began my passion to make images.

Some of my images will be abstract expressionism but I want my family to see all my image creations I attempted.

I am not done yet and once this pandemic gets under control I hope to express my inner world through photographs of the external world once again.