Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 4, 2019

Becoming yourself,  we are forced into becoming what others think we should become and not the person we were intended to be.

We adapt to the never ending need to be part of something larger than ourselves.  This herd instinct is an ingrained animal behavior. 

Your individuality is a necessary means to express your true character.  But fear is always present. What would others think if I were to express my true feelings? If you never try and express your true nature how will you ever know if others would enjoy your inner revelations. 

Of course the problem now in our surface society of greed and avarice we have the social media trolls deflating any energy of a true expression, intimidating the mind to keep quiet and remain on a concrete path abandoning your inner artistic talent. 

You must have strength in your own inner character and push pass the mouths that have not found themselves and therefore they feel compelled to bring other's into their small world view of anger and frustrations.

We must as human beings express our inner revelations. We must begin to tear away the controlling influence of an external structured existence. We have to realize that we are not worker ants for the corporate minds. We are individual inspirations and we must learn to express ourselves forcibly and without fear.

Just another cog in the wheel of authentic lies as their truth stays hidden under a mountain of false words creating new trends as the herd flows where the ego lurks. Why not instead of listening to others demands for specific  content, move forward with your own internal relationship with the external world and create meaningful imagery of your internal landscape. Your intuitive senses are ripe for exploration and your image creations will tell the universe that you represent the intuitive forces of nature and are expressing an inner reality with purpose and self revelation.

We are gullible in the insistence that someone else's  words are our truth when in fact they are repeating words known to satisfy the disinterested spirits exhausted from the daily grind of frustration and inconsistent behavior from making choices that express our true character and not a facade built around social media, ads and money.

We are being dumbed down to have a computer think for our shrinking intelligence of a once independent spirit.

If you can create personal, interior imagery without an ego to be seen, then you are on a path of truth in  your unique character.  Putting your ego aside and just experimenting with lighting, focus and composition will enhance your image creation. You mustn't allow your chosen subject to feel inferior in public places.

Second guessing yourself on where to be and what angle is best for the subject at hand is your independent choice. Just relax and be present and aware of light and composition. You will always find a better composition the more you are in tune with your subject and see the many possibilities unfolding as the light begins to take shape and the composition begins to take a structured awareness of the infinite possibilities being revealed to you. 

Our senses get drained, our senses are tired of the grind and there is nothing left to make images of. Our intellect is in protection mode, listen to the clever assumptions it makes in your behalf. It is a redundancy of learned responses to the ever more frustrating lives we lead as products on display which is eroding our ability to take our lives back from the herd mentality. We can’t think for ourselves anymore. We have to be told what to do and say and how to do it and what to do. We are becoming frightened and introverted to our potential. We must have strength to explore our inner world and the courage to express ourselves for external view.

The constraints of society are getting to a point when everyone is copying everyone else. There is nothing new but the old ways of seeing and the old ways of behaving.

This is nonsense. There is an infinite way to express your inner talent. Your determination will get you passed a point of holding back in fear but you must push forward and release your artistic visions and pursue your holy grail.

Densely concentrated time, an over flow of meanings, surprises and defeats as we move along our timeline.

Can one break through the mysterious barrier of our ultimate isolation and bridge the gap between self and object and truly experience first hand the touch of oneself and another’s mindful awareness?

Breaking through the barrier to both inner self and outer form, a universal sight of external and internal harmony in a reality in tune to the voice of yourself in flesh and intuition and the inherent wall broken down that existed between truth and falsehood. For some it is to much to fathom, the ultimate goal of life is to become your unique vision pitted against the standard formula of societies wants, the standard existence of the many living a ho hum life and view of the miraculous waiting to be discovered.

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