Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019


looking in the mirror
anticipating the known face,
a redundancy of vision,
but incomplete

we assume that the act
of seeing is seeing 
oneself as you are,
a physical presence
just as others appear
in your sensory vision

this reflection is you,
you remember the face
and your eyes questioning, 
but not seeing your truth,

this is you and how
you should be, stop doubting,
the demands of society,

this illusion is becoming
a safety net for your deep
seeded fear of change, 

your desire for a stability of
your physical purpose

a permanent anticipation
of self, a conditioning
of your intellect to assume
what is present and to discard
what is not, don’t be fooled
by your outer reflection
it is a facade without 
truth, it will age and deteriorate
before your eyes, accepting
its final breaths with despair

inside you is your realm to 
to inhabit and explore,
beginning to know your true self 
without the makeup of personality, 
condemned to be what others thought 
you should become in your physical

we see and believe the facades 
created through an others labeling 
demands for you to follow the crowd

but this tag is their purpose
externalized not yours, it is 
a plaster cast over your uniqueness 
of vision that will change your
relationship with the outer world 
without it becoming your intuitive 
natural palette for creation  

you will need strength of character, 
your personal representation of
yourself objectified not in the flesh
but in artistic expression

what is greater the blindness of self
without inner vision or the apparent
realness of a created universe you
are not part of? where is your strength 
of purpose when you realize your
inner self was being used by a 
suffocating collar of conformity to 
someone else’s perceptions of what 
ideas and behaviors will be tolerated, 
an economic system with herded ideas 
ingrained in minds without independent 
thoughts of their true nature, and a vision 
of who they want to become

explore your inner world, you have
a talent that needs expressing, use
your intuition to dig deeper under the 
classifying words that are limiting your
personal uniqueness, the constraints 
you were born into and told this is your 
future with roadblocks already set up 
in cozy relationships with the minds of avarice 
and greed to control the path you 
choose and when you hear “there is no 
future for your kind,” don’t fall for that 
human trait of ego’s demeaning hostility 
toward powerful change, express yourself
in your own unique way, don’t listen to
the herded minds that have given up

on expressing their unique insights, 
give yourself that added push to experience 
your inner truth, the truth that was 
always present but you couldn’t focus 
your energy to find it find until now, 

stand tall and listen to your internal voice 
getting excited that you have found each other 
so grow and blossom into your true self, 
your natural gifts beginning to fight 
to be seen and heard. 

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