March 30, 2019
Most of the time, we don't have time, to contemplate the scene before us, the ability to immerse ourselves into the thoughts of nature reflecting in our own inner being and then outward to create a unique vision.
If we interpreted our relationship with nature the same we interpret our relationship with human beings then our ability to communicate on a deeper level would prevail. We wouldn’t have to use words that communicate a surface relationship with the reality we share. Our truth would be intuitively recognized.
Coming on a scene without an intuitive realization that can connect you with the core expression demanded within the cameras frame shows how limited and repetitive our imagery can become.
Intuitive realization is your photographic eye awakening in the presence of a growing foundation of visual purpose.
A recognition of your unique burgeoning relationship with your inner visual senses and your external subject.
You must not hurry through the beginning relationship with your subject by attempting to force an image on the external forces hampering your visual craft.
Patience is always a key to success. Allowing the relationship to grow and blossom into a unique understanding and a vision that explains your inner world at the moment the exposure was made. An inner truth revealed through a visual stimulus.
An image worthy to be taken is to wait until the roots of your intuition are firmly planted in the external soil and then and only then will your composition instill in you a need to click the shutter.
To finally see the overpowering connectedness of ourselves and the external forces of nature is a blessing of inspiration.
The infinite choices present, where to begin your journey to your individual expression. What is it that drives you forward and without a safety net of conformity to lessen the degree of fear present in you, to step out of the formula's you have been taught?
Your purpose is present in you but you need to break free from the redundant behavior that is confining your vision in a narrowing perspective.
Your conditioned journey through your young life instilled in you a need to conform. When you take pictures now you are following the herd, you are being accepted into the patterns of your friends and other photographers that found their rhythm not in their individual expressions but by copying from others. This need to copy others limits your ability to create your own visual art.
This slows your maturing visual sense. This allows you a standard of representation that is quickly understood and accepted. But it will not set you free to becoming the individual that you are destined to be.
Your images will not be found in repetitive actions, going to the same formula over and over again without changing the composition of your internal awareness, your intuitive force of inner perceptions becoming your external vision.
Coming upon a scene you are the craftsman taking these infinite possibilities and narrowing them down to an individual perception that is your unique vision.
Don’t rush through the scene. Be present and accept your place, your perspective, as only one of many possibilities. Study the light and its angle on your potential subject. Begin thinking of your lens choice and the need for a tripod to get the depth of field necessary to complete your internal intuitive vision.
The scene before you begins to take shape. You are now in the moment and time’s movement is unnecessary for you are focused, unaware of you're meddling intellects attempts to make you change your perception to a known composition taken millions of times before. You focus harder on your potential creation and thus begins your partnership with nature and the external force of revelation.
Now you are not an outsider you are one with your subject. The subject has accepted your deliberate motives, a unique vision, only you saw and is accepting your diligence and your inspiration.
Before over thinking too much you just click the shutter. You are present in this moment like never before. Being one with the external world is the greatest high a photographer can experience. And in that moment of connecting with your inner intuition and the external scene you created a unique beauty that others might have missed but because you entered the scene through your intuition you were able to represented your inner being.
There are times when we don’t have the time to study and unfold the layered scene in creating our own vision.
We sometimes must act instinctively, quickly recognizing the scene rapidly unfolding before us and quickly position ourselves to take advantage of nature’s forces.
By moving quickly anticipating the movement of you subject you were able to recognize the potential possibilities and bring yourself into the reality present by immersing yourself in the fluidity of the scene and
your unique sight, seeing the potential and acting on it instinctively.
Always be present in your moments. To hurry through them you are falling into the trap of expedited time. That overwhelming feeling that in order to accomplish everything at once we must keep pace with our limiting wants and do as much as possible in the now, in order to feel we have done our best. This is training in the reality of someone else’s structured existence not yours. This need to hurry past your most precious moments undermines your natural gifts bestowed on you by your own uniqueness.