Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, May 24, 2018

May 24, 2018

All world cultures are being dummdified with facts of meaningless behaviors, mindless prodding to shop, shop until you drop mentalities, untruths about what is really going wrong worldwide, while the powerful wealth owns the airwaves and our exterior being. The media machine is in full gear and we accept the beginning ending as we slowly move into repression until all that is left is people doing godless work. 

The influence of elite wealth creates in us a disturbing memory of the controlling force of oppression seen and felt in our very bones as our ancestors struggled against the almighty greed of accumulating obscene wealth at the expense of human lives. 

We are becoming an untruth, an experiment of deception in the guise of fulfillment in surface glamour. Living in lies of untruth we fear the inevitable decisions to create our own world.  And what this creation will entail.  In truth it is just you becoming aware of your inner intuition and focusing on your perceptions as a means to explore your inner being and in doing so become aware of your inner talents waiting to be expressed.  

When you create imagery from your intuitive mind you are in tune with the volatile universe that is not stationary but in constant flux. 

In order to change your outer facade to exemplify your inner core you will need courage and the ability to accept the constant creating of each moment as it passes. 

Time is nothing but objects in space. An external depth that creates motion and repetition, then our adaptive intellect needing stability calculates these movements that are in constant flux.  

Our individuality shouldn't depend on a structure of words and visual perceptions that limit our ability to see and function in our own time.  

Living in a life of untruth with fear of losing your self image created by controlling forces that corral you in words of domineering tyranny shaping you with consistent repetitious demands of conformity thus creating the illegitimate being of your true selfhood. 

The next product, the next fad becomes us and for a month, two months and we are a created persona of falsified glamour, limiting our ability to expand beyond the high glitter of a false-hearted facade. 

If we enter a new sleeve of personality every time our ego wishes to be something other than we truly are (to hide from the inevitable truth) we are destroying our unique existence and limiting our inner core the freedom to become itself.  

We can't become our true nature by allowing external forces to limit our unconscious desire to see reality through our own eyes.

Are we becoming videos/still images in our own lives?  Not a person of substance standing alone, standing strong for his uniqueness but a show of ego wanting people to see him/her in copycat repetition of millions of surfing likes.

A constant addiction to digitizing our moments and not living them freely, enjoying each moment in our unique awareness is the curse of modern technology. To live a life in distraction away from meaningful interaction is the new god of realities impoverished deceptions which is easily manipulated for profit. 

The only reality is your own perception not a fluff game of diverting imagery of crime and terror. These images are becoming a falsity of distorted proportions taking our unique self and moving them into the fear based spectacle of illusions.

We are substituting our lives with a copy. Why not experience your reality first hand, why substituted with an image or video?

Instead of experiencing moments with empathy in life's constant transformations we instead objectify our lives in digital form.  And this techno life is not real but a buttress to becoming a unique self.  

We mistake this technology as a mediator for us to control our lives.  A means to grasp hold of a solid reality that will never change.  But this is an illusion, this technology fraud is not about freedom but about control and as this control gains more power it will control our mind and soul.

This life is not about controlling fear.  It is about loss of freedom.  We have substituted freedom with repetitious, imaginary desires  ignoring life's constant transitions.  Or I should say life's personal revelations.  

We don't grasp the the significant barriers being installed that will limit our freedoms and our unique perspectives. Corporate fear of individuality must be corralled so they create a facade that is a false protection against the despair of existential loneliness and abandonment. Each of us face the absurdity of life as we live it.

Without facing truth not as a word that is defined by corporate greed but a truth that is not a symbol but a feeling inside, not an external domineering force of lies.

We are constantly on display.  How depressing and boring. Our eyes see and register created desires. Because of this we are easily swayed to move away from purpose and into recording a purpose.  A bait and switch.

We create patterns, repetitious actions that define us.  It is a way we use our consciousness to order the hectic paces of life and visual stimulation. Anger builds when we can't connect to our inner purpose our true self.

We have become objects to promote a fashion to others, a personality with no deep personal revelation, only surface glitter.

Ego demands the will to become the target of obnoxious obsessions of self gratification just so it will be seen by others. 

Our image making is now image taking.  Our greedy sight takes everything in a split second (no need to slow down and truly study the subject before your eyes) as the shutter is released and the ego is fed once again on trivia and embarrassing moments of his or someone else's life.  

I feel it is better to be heard than seen.  Being seen is a limiting your reality that is used up quickly as viewers sift through billions of images without caring for the background of the shot but just a simple glance, a blink of the eye for more and more visual gluttony. 
Accumulating in dull brains that are not experiencing life but traveling in a circus of needy wants to distract them from any possibility to assume a real truth and that truths consequences.

People do not want to be untethered from a physical presence of materialism our only faith since time began. Today, distraction is the the key motivator to elude the harsh truths of the this planets demise.

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