Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9, 2017

We are moving our knowledge base to something foreign, exterior to our private needs.  It sounds good but instead of finding info for ourselves we seek outside of our own consciousness the answers to our individual concerns.  We are being lumped together as products and then bombarded by ads to buy this or that but these products don't have any real purpose but to install in shallow minds a feeling of knowledge that is a mirage and we end up knowing only what they tell us.  The rhythms of your heart are distorted and encumbered with conformity.  Your inner genius is subdued and moved to a new location in a controlled environment of specific ads and no news, so you feel you're living your own life.  This exterior force that infiltrates your independent consciousness is a natural reaction to propaganda. We natural retreat to ideas of lesser values, ideas that we think are safe for our very future.  To think out of conformity begins the isolation of your individuality and a shunning of your thoughts as folly or sacrilegious.  Conform or be denied is the new catch word of the wealthy's manipulation.  

Laws are being formed for disobedience that once matured will stifle all freedom of thought. The misdirection of selfhood are apparent. We think we are individuals making a difference in our lives living our truth but we are living a truth that allows only answers and not questions concerning its validity.  

The biggest falsehood now is the consumer mentality being directed by illusions that not to have is a slap in the face of your ego life. You must buy in order to feel important and alive.  

The brain demands order and in the face of anxious memories and false visions, it will seek a peaceful conquest of its independence.

The free falling life of independent thoughts accuse words of determining our future and words put a strangle hold on our freedom of creativity, our personal vision.

We are insulated from the world that surrounds us which begs us to see the natural beauty beyond the metal forces of illogical concepts always changing, getting us more and more into the big muddy.

These futile attempts to cover over our own animal desires to destroy dreams of independence in order for our little gods to applaud our made up stories of off world paradises just waiting for our death is disgusting and vulgar.

Solitude is a witness to your inner world, a means to experience the infinite duration in us with intuitive visions of your potential subjects to create purposeful imagery.  That ability to look at the subject with interest begins your journey in creating images that reveal your inner landscape.  You can listen to others or listen to your inner unique voice.

The words, thoughts, images found are spoken only to you, you must explore them with intuition and forceful determination to block out the voices of jealous conformity.

Social Engineering is alive and well in today's consumer driven economy. The only problem is that you can’t turn off the faucet.  Once you instill in animals a behavior to act a certain way you have a big problem trying to change that behavior.  We have been conditioned past the bible’s limited knowledge of truth to envy others and what they have. So we are conditioned to buy and buy and spend and spend and the material world goes around and around.  We are no longer self aware of what we have become and because of our shallow evolution we are easily distracted by technology and are suckers for the next latest and greatest.  We move as metadata through life becoming just statistics in a fish bowl of manipulations, never trying to stop and become something more. As the earth’s resources evaporate and extreme climate changes occur with ever increasing frequency we are slaves to our choices. 

To speak out against this hatred toward the beauty of nature and its powerful force is the radical voices of human beings.

We highlight those individuals that protest the increasing power of the world corporations that use our money to mobilize reactionaries of blind indifference, yes men and women that react to outside forces (propaganda's clueless words) like Pavlov's Dog and spit incomprehensible words of vile hatred toward human beings trying to save this planet.

And because our system of capitalism is based on greed and power, we see in other countries a willingness to go along with the overbearing barons of capitalism.  You will find my friend that corporations are not only people but the new gods of this little planet. They will not give up this pervasive power easily and they will defend their wealth with ever more draconian systems to beat down the masses and suck their individual vision of a purposeful life as one would drink a soda with a straw. 

Fearing life and not embarking on your own personal inner travels is the real issue confronting our allegiance to the external rather your internal insights and your preparations to connect with the exterior reality on your own insightful terms in order to create visual art.

Covering up your loneliness with partial posts that don't tell anyone about your true self only a facade of your external being open to choices of unknown results. One is always moving beyond the reality that is present in yourself.  Your truth that none see, only seeing a hatred of becoming part of the herd but scared to stand alone and voice your true inner vision. It is as if one is embarking on creating an ego self as your truth, a visual betrayal to others, a new person not in touch with their true interior self but in touch with an alter ego of pride and greed.

Think of your social media site and the overwhelming amount of information and minutia of details you can find that really has no purpose for you or how you want to live your life.

Social media can paralyze you into non action. Controlling how you perceive the world and how we interact with it on a shallow, glossy surface, using words that have been taught through generations with the only real value, control of your senses. Labels dictate your minds surface reaction. Stop the pursuit of individuality and the inner relationships one has with your true self for an anonymous external relationship with the fear of loss and a painful duration of lies. Externally we are easy targets for the propaganda machine and its on going purpose to subdue originality.

Each day have a goal of connecting with a subject that interests you.  If it is just a facade of a building or a mannequin in a window,
look for very simple graphics and that holds your eye and creates a question in your mind about reality and your own personal vision.

Begin to explore space not under the gun of passing time.  Speed is not appropriate when reaching deep in yourself to find your unique inner reality. Settle into your visionary space and let go of the illusion of time.  Begin to see time and space as one.  Your duration in time and space is your unique journey.

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