Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20, 2016

Joel Meyerowitz was asked, "What do you hope for when you say the work teaches you?"

"Well, you hope that by working-working out, working toward that-you'll produce an opening, you'll stumble through your senses upon a photograph that's instructive-a doorway-something more than just beautiful, or well made, or a combination of those elements that are photographically interesting-something that you can't quite handle that posses you, something simple and visible but filled with mystery and promise-the mystery of "How did I know to make that?"- and the promise of a new understanding of photography and something about yourself."

Eternal recurrence, what a depressing shallow grave we would all live in. Recurrence of time amounts to a script from the past from which we cannot deviate from. Social media is that script.  It is not knowledge to inspire one to become more but to entertain and distant oneself from living a life of truth and purpose.

Listless knowledge giving fake myths of benevolent beginnings.

How do you resolve the paradox of being aware but detached, to let things proceed without interference, yet gain an insight and a willful purpose to time your exposure at the crucial moment of your seeing the possibilities.

Being present without pushing, pulling and over thinking but just being there and ready to make an image through connection not domination.

Detached but connected to the rhythmic currents moving through the beauty of nature and its importance to our mental health.

If we only take from nature and do nothing to give back to nature, we are missing a true commitment to openly interact with it as a subject of intense importance to our creative outlook.

But even further we will never assume a role of conversion from destruction to cooperation not only with nature but with our fellow human beings and our foundation for survival is in peril.

If we assume we are gods of some sort, then we have abandoned the the right of passage beyond this earthly paradise.  If we think we are going to be anointed by a benevolent god for our destruction of our earthly home then we are not only delusional but blasphemers to god's purpose.

If all we do with our brain is organize, categorize and institutionalize our responses to an outer reality then we are becoming herded beasts afraid of our own inner purpose.  We are beholden to the corruption of money and power who's only return is more greed and abuse of our civic duty too protect mother nature from its destruction.

The force of external distractions work hard to disrupt our inner insights by creating infinite barriers to self realization.

Place and time dictate our very life and it's goals. We are given our time in this present moment to become more than a collector of things.  If we allow corporate media to commercialize our lives than it will further fragment us into colorful cloth easily changed and transformed into the next greatest product.

Your inside force is being channeled by paths of external manipulation, as if social media was a cure all for one's constant angst at the new order of power and greed. We are expressing this doubt and confusion by shrivelling up our need to be ourselves and end up following the herded masses to a corral of complacency with little demanded and thus living our future in a poverty of mind and matter.

We live in this new era of instant knowledge threw hand held devices.  But this knowledge is not your expressions but the elites propaganda of their desires and destructive controls over a population getting get fed up with the shallowness of our commons being privatized for money.

It is better to express yourself as who you are and not as a character created through social media, where everybody is looking for instant approval.  Approval is your own inner self creating images with willful purpose.

You must fight through created barriers of doubt and confusion that hinder your ability to manifest your original internal landscape.

What if I leave myself in it's narrow view of this world, would I know the empty body left behind.

We all want to be somewhere else and not present in our now moments.  This constant drum beat to move on, never landing on something of interest for more than a few seconds is the new skipping stone life by which we never go to shore and stand in our own shoes but are conned to enter swift currents that we can't control and will never be satisfied with, where these rushing waters take us away form our true purpose and force us to live a shadow life of ourselves.

Our knowledge base is shrinking into a reluctance to seek beyond the cliches created by ad men and dig deeper into the substance of our lives and where you want to be and not where corporate media wants to put you by stereotyping your purpose as foolish and always asking where is the profit. Stick with your own intuitions and transcend the shallow representation of humanity that corporate media wants you to believe.

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