How do your view yourself. A participant in your life or an outsider looking into your living moments. Do you equate living with posting your life for all to see as an extension of who you are or who you want to be? Is being viewed by others, the real manipulation of our growing shallow presence.
The image trend I see is for quick pics and quicker posts. This is not photography in a real sense of the word. It is becoming a life sentence of performances, your life is a screen play, a story board of inconsequential moments that have dried up your imagination. Instead of living your life you are selling your life through make believe realities that have nothing to do with real connections with others and especially with yourself.
Do you feel posting on corporate media sites is an act of renewal of your quest to create something meaningful through focus and awareness of your surroundings and connections that are calling for your attention.
The act of posting is not a purposeful response to your moments. Commercials of ourselves have become the new reality of our lives. And we don't even get paid to produce them, we give them away. I think by that very act of giving them away you have demeaned your life as trivial and have accomplished the ultimate media scam of crowd sourcing and free material that they then can mine for your ad enjoyment. A constant beat of buy, buy and buy some more.
Social media introduced us into the entertainment and commercialization of our lives for profit motif. Not profit for us but for the information they gather on your wants and obsession and exploit those with targeted ads of stuff you would never care about if you were living your purpose and in tune to the intended distraction that inhibit your growth towards the rewards of self sufficiency and your true voice, your calling.
Corporate media's feel good moments and then quickly back to an over abundance of violence and suspicions that crime is always lurking in you present moments, keeps us in a circle the herd mentality.
Your precious moments are now overwhelmed with the fears that corporate media bombard you with every second of the day. Is this a means to militarize the police under our noses to inhibit the true voices to surface?
Social media is undermining unique individual perceptions that flow naturally between nature and an open mind. Our differences are being homogenized into structured imitations. Our images are beginning to look all the same, our feelings are being surrounded by look alike ads for instructions on how we must respond to external stimulus. Our vocabulary is diminishing as we use short letters and symbols to express our "feelings" as if that can sum up a human beings moments in their time line. Symbols are the collective media presence. They reduce our inquisitive nature and teach us to live on the surface of their created reality and don't even attempt to dig deeper underneath the false facade of their wealth and power.
Relationships between me and my subject. If we only see through organized categories we loose the ability to be open ourselves to new ways to see and live.
When creating images you must get out of your tendency of abstract specialization that deter you from connecting your internal vision with your outer presence and then with your intended subject.
Don't rush along the outskirts of image making, immerse yourself into the flow of your time and interconnectedness that brings forth a worthy unique expression that seems to magically happen when you are listing to your inner voice say, "calm down and wait, this is your place and your subject will be here presently."
We all can shoot randomly and come up with acceptable images that fit the uniformity of our costume lives. And with that uniformity there is a growing fear to be unique in your expressions.
Connecting with purpose and clarity in this moment gives you a certainty of expression. By being present your are opening your mind to the moment and not the description of your moments.
If you over think a subject, bringing thoughts that hinder your natural immediate response to your theme, you will miss that split second composition that ties your creativity to the image just made.
If you are not in the same playing field with your subject, there is an imbalance an untethering of willful purpose that makes your attention disconnect from the visual clues of composition.
Social media puts importance on your posts that give them information on your background for more ads and on any conversations between you and others that gives them insights on marketing strategies. If we would use those same techniques with ourselves and begin to understand what drives us we might break free from the trap of media's corrosive analysis of our humanity. for profit only.
We have to get back to one on one conversations, be present for others just as you need to be fully engaged and present when creating images.
When you are communicating through a mechanical device you are removed from the real world. Reality now has a short sighted vision, a narrow path to follow, which excludes the environment you are in by demanding your full focus to be looking at whats on your hand held screen.
Instead of an intimate look at the small details of nature that make up our own lives we sacrifice those connections by allowing a device to become a barrier to seeing and a barrier to living a connected life in the real world of eye contact with others and your individual surroundings.
Our sense of being present, a feeling of your will of purpose will begin your journey to better photographs.
When making photos you must immerse yourself with your subjects in moments that last. These durations build a relationship of trust. If you allow ego to become the dominant force in this relationship then you will only express the commercial side of your mental makeup.
Photography takes time to create an image worthy of your inner being.