The mind in solitary confinement, unwilling to see details that make up a whole.
You must control the need to over think, create mysteries where there are none. We have now externalized our active mind, created a smorgasbord of distractions in order to help dilute the overpowering changes that are happening on this planet.
We are not focused on these precious moments of the now. Experiencing the world as a unified whole but have become strangers to ourselves and others. We have allowed our external reality to be fashioned on entertainment and not meaningful productive and necessary action. We are hiding in social media to make believe we are living a productive life. Where are the real, live voices taking the time to talk directly to each other? Instead we use these hand held devices which move us further away from experiencing reality first hand. Instead we experience it through a technological, mechanical collective.
We give free content to multinational corporations so they can tag us like cattle and force feed us consumer products they know we would like to buy. We express our inner revelations like theater popcorn to be easily disposed of by the next greatest butter toppings.
Social media is corporate media. It functions as an open mouth piece for all who enter. But really it is an ad gimmick to exploit the herd of those that want to become instantaneously famous without the hard struggle to find a unique voice and a special calling.
Disinformation is the name of the game. Slight of hand tricks, thinking you are free to be yourself but finding out you are like all the rest, needy to be seen and heard, not by intimate friends you can trust, but by a vast arena of voyeurism.
Greed capitalism will do and say anything to get a buyer. And once it has hooked you on one of their info gathering sites your personal info will be sold to the highest bidder. And the ads will come like a wave of innocent advice to be your friend and will eventually show its true colors of buy me now aggression or lose out on a special deal we have just offered you.
Social media is a consumer transaction. Your content fattens the information stream they need to pin point products that they feel you will be compelled to buy. They will enlighten you by ads and messages that seem sincere. They hide behind the new trend of "authentic," with images of people having fun wearing the latest styles. All targeted to you from the personal info your gave unknowingly when you signed up for the consumer wasteland of social media.
The ad space is sold to any company trying to exploit the naivety of a new means to sell products.
Social media uses us by exhorting the freedom of the web we participate in but really the corporations behind the site are mining all the free data you give them for profit.
Social media trespasses on your private personal world and what you see on the screen are your own reflections, a mirror, a vacuum an echo of what you want to hear and see by others seeking the same kind of a connection in a infinite field of choices.
Social media is spreading us out with an overwhelming amount of minutia, separating us from action, into a constant state of reaction. The bombardment of images and voices on their sites keep us viewing them for hours at a time when we should be living our life as we want, with purpose not viewing a mechanical tool that is their to get you to convert your being to a commercial buying fool.
The corporate social media sites (news sites included) are manipulating the info we receive creating a new social order through their profit driven propaganda tools, now fully integrated into the hands of the young as they get older and have never experienced a community of individuals who actually sit and talk with each other. Resistance is terrifying, as we accelerate our lives, bending to the new technology driving us into an ever faster state of a collective homogenized life style of a buying mentality, where our relationships are becoming transaction through a screen and not a personal voice to say enough.
We need to break this strangle hold on our lives by these a-moral hooligans and take back our life. We need to live, not through something that's only purpose is exploitation, but within ourselves that says enough of this greedy constant need to buy. We need to become more human again not a post on a media site, which ultimately is meaningless self idolatry.
We need to be active creators of our own world, a new world we want to see and live in and not sitting flesh reacting to posts that do not connect but separate us from others and ourselves.
Social media is limiting your ability to live in a real external world, by activities that mean something to you, that produces something worth your time and effort and has value for others. Whether it be photography, poetry, drawing or any personal exploration of the why we are here vs the addiction to a screen that limits your ability to see a whole picture.
Through this collective malaise of disconnected moments we are building our own tower of Babel.
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