Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

I find it overwhelming the amount of social media sites that drain any enthusiasm you might have for image creation.  Before I know it, an hour, two hours have passed and all I have accomplished is reading all the inbox notifications that I really don't have to respond to in the first place.  Besides most of them I have to delete anyway because they are spam.  All of this saps my energy and keeps me away from my true goal.  Creating great images and getting them out onto platforms that can sell them to potential buyers.

Making the best use of your time.  Friday we went over to Eastern Washington to get our daughter at college and bring her home for the Memorial Day weekend.  This also gave us a chance to pack up some of her stuff and not have to wait for the end of the year mad dash.  I brought my camera along and was able to shoot a couple of subjects on the way back.  I try and shoot at least one or two times a week. You have to discipline yourself to work at your craft and create new imagery every chance you get.

I have begun uploading some of my images to a print selling website.  I am testing the waters.  What I didn't like was the fact that when I uploaded my first gallery of images I immediately got a like comment from a viewer.  My mind works this way.  Why, when the ink is still wet so to speak did I get a positive comment so quickly.  I feel it was a plant, a person connected to the site, getting the newbie excited.  I have been around the block a few dozen times and I don't need an ego massage.  Anyway we shall see. I am always looking for new outlets for my work and I rarely give up on a potential money making photo site.

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