When you are used to making good money from shooting stock and then you see that income steadily decline quickly over the last few years what becomes the motivation to keep on shooting through the time, expense and effort of creating good images. And sometimes the great image.
Minor White once said, " innocence of eye has a quality of its own. It means to see as a child sees, with freshness and acknowledgment of the wonder, it also means to see as an adult sees who has gone full circle and once again sees as a child-- with freshness and an even deeper sense of wonder".
I guess the question becomes are you a photographer who has to express your inner self through images or were you shooting because the money was good and it was a job. I have to shoot, so no matter what I am doing working full time, part time I will still create images. Also, I am looking at the Masters of Photography again and through their inspiration, I am trying to shoot more personal images that will bring back that sense of wonder. I miss that.
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