Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009

Welcome to my blog. I have been shooting stock photography for a long time. I first entered this arena in the mid-eighties when I joined Aperture PhotoBank in Seattle. Aperture changed it's name to Allstock a short time later and I have been submitting to Photo Agencies ever since. Now however, we call them Image Portal Distribution Sites or something like that. The Stock Photo Industry sure has changed over the last decade and what that means to the photographer is more production work not in necessarily shooting (there has always been prep time, scripting, logistics, etc.. for photographers) but in post production on the computer. With digital cameras shooting is still shooting. But there are differences like having to turn your camera off when changing lens ( that is why zooms I guess are so popular) but I like fixed focus lenses so I have to stop my momentum in the shoot and hold back the concept of time, everybody freeze that pose and change lenses and begin again. I know why don't I have more than one camera body, simply right now cost. Anyhow I will be posting new thoughts coming up on Digital vs Old school analog shooting, getting into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how I believe Digital shooting is making the photographer lose sight of exploring the subject we are shooting. Hint that back monitor on the digital camera has got to go. That's it for now.

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