Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, June 29, 2023

 June 27, 2023

symbols create a network of ideas
while neglect uses the conscious
to measure ones stamina to find
a means of escaping the 1% and
their torturous greed, we don't 
live life anymore we live in a growing
fear based reality taking away our
ability to make a purpose for oneself
without being demonized by egos
seeking to break apart ones future
without mercy years swiftly pass
evaporating our unclaimed goals
once necessary now put aside as
one tries to focus his mind beyond
the growing fear of being demonized
by egos of hate, our memories lack
details exaggerating our common
pride with rusty aging, our memories
slip on mossy rocks with water falls
swift currents and forgets the voice
aching to remember friends or foe
in our youth we had plans for our 
future, what we wanted to be when
older, baseball star, basketball icon,
a track star, no one could ever catch
our future and who we became, a 
counter worker selling watches and
we rarely remember our youthful
dreams, we acknowledge our misery
a choice accepted as we feal like a
wilting flower dying before it blooms
a secret inner acceptance despising
being born into a dying world used
by wealth but built by slaves since
the beginning of time, my eyes heavy
staring inward into an empty space
a dream once known now forgotten
how does one break free from a life
that would have made since a decade
earlier, we seek present moments to
keep and not allow our visions to break
apart and evaporate, he leans against
the railing head lowered, his thoughts
journey over the belligerent past and
those that assume one is different just
being human, with past mistakes taken
for granted, a means to live without fear
the crows angry tongue sharp voices 
yelling in madness, sounds of a domestic
dispute, anger's devilish partner words
that enter the brain demanding attention
seeking vengeance through a weakness 
that realization lacks necessity, what is 
fulfillment but a revelation that being alive
is enough, the person they praise never
existed at all, a changeling without a
character, his face red with drink, his
evil power over an innocent boy 

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26, 2023

End Of Days

I sit staring at the waves crashing
over the weak cement, the air has
been taken, what remains is a deadly
force, boats put ashore, homes leveled
winds gaining momentum as lives are
lost, as the destruction moves on to 
the next city, the next farm leveling
everything in its path, prayers are not
heard as families return feeling heart
broken, their homes gone, mother nature
is making a stand deciding to join 
storms with an extra push as people
retreat into a planet aged with wealth
lying to the people that we have nothing
to worry about for these ruthless
criminal minds know our future is dying
but their greed is their addiction and
profit over human beings is their 
demanding character for all now is
being lost and words and actions are
meaningless for the rich are treacherous
that spread from the 1% their cunning
which is just an over the top party
heading for the end of days

Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24, 2023

I don't seek other's insights
into our corrupt america for
for we all know who gets
battered with lost wages for 
we are low paid human beings
struggling to pay our college
payments but losing ground
as the rich smile and demand
the money be paid in time or
else a large fine will appear
on your billing statement, 
look at the reduction of our
freedom, our rights taken
away, our job loses, our 
destructive weather as homes
are tossed around like toys
and without insurance your 
home is destroyed twice
once by the tornado and then
again when you realize your 
home is gone by the destructive
force of the 1% that could care-
less if people die, cities wiped-out
but these crooks are satisfied when
they get their millions on a daily basis
taking from the poor and enjoying 
their selfish, hypocritical caring for others


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 June 20, 2023

Truth An Illusion

we reach for just once to open
our minds to the realization that
we too are deep in unanswered ideas
that will drain us of any hopes of
freedom in a life now rotting without
better wages and jobs worth working,
the 1% have no moral's for they are only
addicted to money and power, these
animals of lust have been through
the maze of lost will and love that
all the wealthy must fight through, 
some ask when the rich have their 
parties how much do they care about
opening their minds to face the horror
of their investments, the killing of 
mother nature and the destruction of
our words of hope, love and understanding
for it has been since the beginning of 
time profits are more important than 
lending a helping hand to those that 
are fighting to be free from the power of
the oligarchs evil nature as we slide
away from life and caring for others

Sunday, June 18, 2023

 June 18, 2023

seeking our wisdom delivered to
us in the mail box
collections demanding payment
you don't have
one of manly side shows seeking
distractions to fit a noose around
your neck we seek escape with no 
place to hide
we have nothing to give them
only voices turning away
aggressive threats, loss of wages
the pressure moves us forward
their demands unnerving reminders
of our shallow predictive life
lost in our maze of excuses, anxiety
keeps one up at nightfall
car lights move on the ceiling 
passing overhead and disappear
prayers foolish needs answered
with silence
the truth is never fixed, it wabbles
back and forth until one tries
to change the legality of bribery
one seeks a positive
mood even though ones child
goes hungry

Friday, June 16, 2023

 June 16, 2023

lessons lost, time a barrier between 
openness now jealous anger for all 
was to be present with our father of
mysterious hate and a son needing 
to give his life for others that were
already seeing the best ways to take
money, property and peoples lives
for our journey has its up and downs
but we have one goal in this taking
of others fear that life as we created
it is without mercy for their are
billions of stragglers dying to bring
forth their madness and hate for other
people trying to fight back against
racists evil as our lives are constant
loneliness living their doctrine of belief
as our lives are under constant attacks 
as we sink deeper into a phony means of 
escape for our only awareness in this 
catastrophic misguidance is to worship
only those that we accept for their is 
nothing stopping us from controlling this 
entire mother earth through wealthy 
deceptions of accepting their godly power 
of breaking us into pieces of vulgar faith

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

June 13, 2023

the wind moves steady 
gaining speed as homes
are destroyed, cars
piling on each other as 
the telephone poles 
break apart as flooding
washes, breaks apart
people trapped without
a means of escape, each
of us have our own ideas
of becoming smarter than
the next person for we
sneak in little steps seeking
the power and money we
are owed, these manipulations
are our normal lives that
hold this corrupt planet of
crooks together, for when
the elites of greed demand
more, more and more property,
more cash, more inner realizations
that the oligarchs are our new 
god's and they want to be 
praised for all the effort they
performed while traveling with
friends on their wonderful
yachts, their islands of peaceful
robber barons for us low lives
are now aware of the hypocrisy
of the wealthy as our saviors
when the truth is they have 
no morals, no desire to help
anyone but themselves for all 
is never enough in their greedy eyes

Friday, June 9, 2023

 July 8, 2023

leave voices screaming
power seeks easy targets
far beyond your little steps
reach outward for a sign
what brings tears to your
eyes, breaks apart those in
prayer, death is the congested
beginnings, thoughts can open 
ones mind or thoughts can 
close ones simple lies, why
do we fear our aging minds
we lose our ability to begin
again stranded without a means
of escape, we have become
shallow minds placated to be
servants of the rich, each day
redundant words, hold us back
from the truth, we are not seeking
power over prayers, the reality
that hinders trying to cut the
forces of evil spreading outward
they move toward all those that
have power over this world
built around perverted gods of
grandeur over innocence each 
searching for a sign of those that
have dead minds just living in
a quagmire of violence and hate
toward anyone perceived different
than those that love conformity, money,
murderous addiction and of course
wars of devilish happiness for
we all know man's truth, killing
is our way toward power over hope 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

 June 9, 2023

photography was once a means of 
escaping your dull life, 

making images at first didn't impress
your vision of beauty

but as you emersed yourself into the
focusing of your camera toward

things that caught your idea's as you
began understanding 

possibilities, the separation of your
insights blossoming

becoming insightful, images that
had potential, promise but

didn't have your focused attention
when you saw the beginning

light that began to move over the
landscape that felt like home

as you waited patiently for mother
nature to do her magic as she

kept moving forward and I began
to understand the potential

and where was the best advantage 
point to set up my tripod

you followed nature's lead as you saw
beauty everywhere, rock 

structures as sunset took place and
the colors of the clouds

magnified the beauty before you, and
your patience as you looked 

out over the valley below as mother
nature excepted your presence

for your desires to create a masterpiece
of mountain heights

what beauty, exciting everyone if
you keep alert and use 

your inner intuition to forge ahead in a
wonderland of beautiful 

possibilities, colors of a rainbow over
our beautiful sunset and sunrise

Saturday, June 3, 2023

June 3, 2023

The Ending

sitting silent without thoughts
wondering what is a life afraid,

desperation is a word of despair
for these men and women of greed

owning billions of dollars from
people's hard earned income

what glorious thoughts human
have when they have been

born into families that only care
about their stolen fortunes taken

off the backs of those struggling
just to survive in a fearful reality

for those 1% own this spec of 
dust for they think only of themselves

their unwillingness to help, beyond
our broken down mother earth

as we slowly move faster and faster
move surely closer to the cliff of

a lost world with savages murdering
men, women and children all in the

glory of god's rejection of a planet that
has only one goal, vicious cruelty

of human beings that live in despair for
our god is only a wish to believe in, 

when you should believe in yourself not
an illusion of a heavenly father, for our

beliefs for centuries were created by 
powerful wealth to placate the struggling

people caught up in a mirage of a paradise
ready to open once you put cash in the basket