May 31, 2020
Photography is a lost art doomed now to become just another expression of the mundane world without depth of character. Our love of life is dwindling with each new revelation of pollution, wars, crime, rape, murder as the 1% continues to put profits over human beings and mother earth.
Photography is no longer about intervention in the cruelty of life by documenting the horrid conditions of people, slaves to the criminals and the rulers of countries.
The photojournalist used her instincts to put herself in a precarious deadly situation in order to tell the world, is this who we are, is this the best we can rise too by showing us the brutality of violence of wars against the poor and the abandoned people with no voices to yell to their rulers why have you murdered us and the answer was profits.
We are just stick figures without an underlining intent or motivation to really perceive the world as it is and then try and make changes that are necessary for this planet and people to survive.
The cameras can think for you. Every photo taken is a replica of someones earlier work. Originality is no longer necessary for what is original when we can just make it up and photoshop the image to represent a lie or even better yet a crime.
Just think of it you will not have to make an effort to create images of your family anymore, those insightful moments that tested your patience in order to capture that one moment of your son’s first birthday party, trying to blow out the candles on his cake with such a proud expression on his face, to the cheers of your family and friends.
Now you can host a birthday party, a dinner party for your friends or an impromptu get together with business partners and all the documentation of the event you need is just a flip-a-switch away, your own in-house and office surveillance cameras hidden in every room strategically placed behind framed prints that once marked you as a photographer now take images of the festivities.
This is done automatically without a personal intuitive purpose, now just set the quantity of images you need taken and let the technology do the work for you. How simple is that? I know what you’re thinking, what about when I am out and about on the town or having a quiet moment with a friend how do I get pictures of that. I don’t want to stop anything and ask for people to pose, I just want pictures taken pronto and the images sent back to my home computer so later I can see myself and others and know I looked good and they looked ok but I need to be discreet. No one must know I am stealing photos of them. You never know when they might come in handy. And no I am not a spy or pervert just cautious when it comes to get togethers.
Welcome to the new world of scheduling your very own photo shoot. Not with lights and assistants but hidden cameras installed for your night out or your night in. Just call ‘sneaky photos’ we have cameras set up everywhere, just let us know where the event will be held and voila, your covered no flashes distracting your get-together and our prices are reasonable and we do ask for a little hush money to keep the media quiet from investigating privacy issues.
Instead of thinking about the person you are interacting with you will be thinking about how you look and act towards the hidden camera. You can't wait to see what pics this mechanical beast took of your little foray.
And once the party is over you won't live your life through conscious memories of that day but will have to look at your life through the eyes of an objective device that has no feeling toward you or your purpose, a surveillance camera in your own house. What a brilliant idea for those that don’t have time to think before they take a photo, now something else can do your thinking for you. Just kick back and lose site of your own unique personal vision and let a mechanical device do the job for you, or who has the time to create images and then download those images and edit those images and caption those images and color correct those images and spot those images, that is just too much work for the new man and woman in this world of ego’s and image status, facades of speciality when in fact all prominent change has been worn in high fashion, a spectacle enjoined by the wealthy put on in centuries before we were even born and then are suddenly regurgitated again as new in a cycle of a copycat existence with originality of spirit ignored and demeaned.
So don’t fret why not have all that taken care of by the hidden cameras documenting your life for you, so you can relax and just ignore others for your own pleasure of ego.
We are living lies and we are helpless in our inability to take charge of our own feelings through the force of the photographic experience by allowing technology to worm its way into creating an easy way not to take your own visualized images through pictures taken not only by camera implants in rooms and homes but also the automatic cameras now a days that have auto exposure, auto focus, auto wind, auto color corrections, and the best part about it you don’t have to think or spend time seeing the beauty of people or of nature but you will feel secure in allowing a mechanical device to do the thinking for you. Lets not call it photography, lets call it instantaneous visualization of surface nonsense, these images don’t do anything for your creative heart and your personal unique visual expression but just a quick documentation to let others know that that is me, me, me see where I was and what I was doing, Look At Me People!! here I am and here I was.
This selfish existence we live in is now an automated system of a collective intellect telling us what is good and what is bad and what we can’t do and what we are allowed to do! Freedom of our intuitive self is being undermined by technology and the incessant eating away of our mental and physical worth as human beings as the powers that be experiment in controlling our lives through redundant copycatted experiences, the latest fads that distract us from the real truth the absolute control over our lives through social media and military madness. Your had held devices are a means of psychic manipulation and it works as an ankle monitor so they know exactly where you are at all times. And then the ads show up, buy this, buy that, everything is on sale, even your personal life is a mirage of individuality.
We have already crossed over the line, becoming impotent, lackadaisical representations of the status quo and when anything of importance happens to spur us into our real selves again and act in unison with others as a unified powerful force expressing the outrageous control of our lives by the elites that own our government and control the population through key words that ring true to the bullying minds of racists to do their bidding through propaganda that is coherent misdirection, we the people buckle and retreat in self pity for who are we to fight the corporate monsters of avarice and think first and read between their words of lies and exaggerated truths that they have invented to protect their monopoly of control over us.
If only people would let go of their external facade and just be present in their own moments with a camera or without one but just be open to the infinite universe of unique experiences for what it holds in front of you is a life journey worth taking.
Instead you have substituted, that which can give you insight into your life and others by immersing yourself in your perceptive intuition of a scene, your courage, and replaced it with a narrow understanding of empathy for others, only those that have the same hate and bigotry you do, your selfish anger at loss of your self worth and then projected onto others, your anger and blame and you have convinced yourself that other people are taking something away from you when in fact you have been duped by the powerful forces of greed by using words that incite in you hatred toward an enemy that is an illusion, a bad movie script.
When violence around the world is escalating along with poverty and wars how are human beings supposed to act. Human beings will naturally sacrifice everything to save their family’s from poverty and death. The rich oligarchs are the ones that have put this planet in peril and they are the ones manipulating these racists thugs to do their dirty work for them. And they act just like Pavlov's dog looking to jump for their treats toward self annihilation by blaming innocent people for the corruption in politics and in corporate businesses.
“The Fool On The Hill” how can people be so blind to the fact that they are being manipulated to hate others when the true hate comes from the elite’s wealth and the military industrial complex.
We are objects being placed outside our visual consciousness diverted by the media as products to sell hate and hair cream to.
This will continue your growing awareness of the existential reality of your own non-existence. We have experienced existentialism on a massive scale throughout our individual lives and we will reap the benefits of being alone in a dark foreboding blackness by the increasing fear of others, hate, violence, greed, manipulations etc... and in order for you to feel superior and “real” you will be told you have to dominate the human species with promises of an illusion of power that only exists if we allow them to continue their crimes of disillusionment.
We are living this today. The continuing reality of people as objects, a narrowing of the mind's perception of individuality between independence and the herd mentality. The wealthy see themselves as 'Titans of the old Roman Empire of profit'.
The way to beat existentialism is to open your mind to the new possibilities of triumph over self indulgence.
Social Media controls the information that is fed to us in diluted form in order to pacify the masses in corralled thinking, one answer fits all their con games.
Are we strong enough, determined enough to finally realize that a good life exists for those that can move away from the automated formula's of the wealthy and begin again to use their own mental capabilities to explore their own inner directions with confidence in their purpose?
We all carry our own albatross around our necks that deny us our hopeful vision at some quality in a person or a nature scene that is new and original not for profit but the sharing of a personal idea.
Technology as it becomes more and more invasive will demand more and more power from the masses. The ultimate goal of technology is to do the thinking for us. Any questions you may have can be instantaneously answered not by your own individual study of the facts but by a wordy cliche that answers nothing but siting the meekest of sources. These sources are owned by the corporate wealth paid to use attacks on anything that will undermine their quarterly profits.
As life becomes more and more complicated humans do not want to have to think for themselves that is too much pressure on an already stressful work environment and home life. So we look for words and actions that can pull us along with the flow of times cruel endings whereby we don’t do much in the way of helping others by look away and we then allow ourselves to feel better for doing nothing.
Why be an independent thinker that can put stress on your delicate skin and confuse an already stunted mind.
As we distract ourselves more and more by words and ideas that are at best trivial, our conversations become more repetitive. An accumulation of junkyard thoughts that have as much purpose as a devout atheist becoming pope.
We allow our minds to take the least path of resistance and this leads down the path of fascism which the united states is severely in the grip of right now this very second.
Photography is creating a newness to the visual scene. Not a cliche of another’s hard work.
But now in this streamed lined repetitive necessity of the herded instinct we seek an assembly line of casual, meaningless imagery that doesn’t excite or instill in the viewer anything at all but ordinary feelings of a lost existence, people deprived of their individuality now seek the comfort of conformity within the workings of their constructed lives of ignorance or false hope.
Nowadays new imagery with an intuitive truth has a limited value, a passing fad of human folly and violent aggression. The powers that be insist on violence to regurgitate the simple minds inability to think out of the box he is confined in. By ignoring the path toward deliverance and independence these men of greed intrude and control all our feelings by a misrepresentation of truth for their own deadly profits.
When you create a worthy image from your subjective intuition you have transgressed the formality of controlled thoughts and have entered into a world of anarchy.
The only meaningful subjects for prints nowadays is hollywood glamour. And the tidbits of truth that make us jealous of the perfect hair, the perfect eye, the perfect nose and body. Exterior perfection hides a shallow interior an interior conformed to live in material dependency.
Native American Pow Wow at Day Break Cultural Center, Dicovery Park Seattle, Washington State