Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019

Portraits are fleeting moments in time captured for our own physical history. It says nothing about the internal struggles one experiences all through our individual life. In the external make-up we reveal a composition of self that pleases another and not always ourselves. 

In a split second we can create images of evil, murder, war, hypocrisy etc... but these images do not tell us anything under the surface of the photograph. They show us an image recorded but nothing concerning what happened before or after the event. Who are the bad guys, what was their purpose? Who are the good guys and what is their purpose? What is the root cause of the mayhem? 

More likely than not if we see a controversial image we will decide not by the objective history leading up to the event and the aftermath of the image sequence but we will determine our opinion from the conditioning we received from our parents and friends growing up.

There is not an image taken that a whole book couldn't be written concerning the event or a person, child or animal etc...

When we externalize our selves we are trapped in the conformity of necessary lies. These lies create a system of composure and structure that allows us to express convenient dismay when tragedy happens as we retreat back to our shallow motivations, our inherent moving away from conflict, back to everyday rituals of survival, causing our focused attention not on our inner life, self realization but on making ends meet to pay the rent. 

If we would take that focus and turn it inward seeking our true perspective, our true intuitive self hood we would be able to express our thoughts with purpose and change our perceptions of the reality we are forced to participate in.  Our participation is to cater our views, to agree with the forces of structured wealth domineering our visual senses and not our individual perspectives that have greater clarity than the gluttonous power grab for more, always more, these men and women of avarice that are addicted to taking everything without mercy.

We do not stand and praise our own gifts of insights, no, we are forced to control our individuality and enter at an early age, the hustle, bustle and manipulations of this reality we are born in too. Our individuality and the civilized demands that are needed now in this time of growing military control over our domestic lives, we must seek justice for the masses as the wealthy make another major land grab for their private estates with mercenary forces protecting the affluence of their merciless greed. 

But we are herded together like cattle to celebrate mankind for the profits they managed to squeeze out of the forsaken, to weary to care. Our minds are exhausted with work, fear, anger, intolerance, religion and the excesses of the flesh. We are placated with sports, games, alcohol and sex. The Internet is always in our palms waiting for a response, not of inner personality, our true selves, our true beliefs but a facade of ego playing at being important. 

Just another wannabe human of little importance that must exemplify the greed that is emerging in us all with full force and in which we haven't reaped the benefits of their selfish ways yet. But that doesn't mean everyone isn't trying to position themselves for mercenary benefits.

After all we all sink in the same boat, this planet holds us afloat in an infinite universe without any one planet or human being worshiped for their criminality. For to exploit the weak is not criminal but good business and when profits rise so do the expectations of the investors, that high five each other on their quarterly goals being met with the blood and sacrifice of other human beings.

For better or worse we are all in it together, we are all slaves to material gain, our prowess to compete for the riches of physical stimulation without understanding the consequences, allows the greed and physical pleasure trump our responsibility to see that all share in the beauty of this world and have a chance to partake in the developing richness of experience that we all should be demanding and not just those that worship the almighty dollar. 

If we abandoned our inner life we can't become our true nature but must display the attitude of the herded sheep. Just going along for the ride without standing our ground and saying enough, we need to become other, not the same. Individuality is not a rite. Individuality is a focused attention on your inner self. It is coming to grips with your pre-adult rituals, your physical self playing roles as you matured and began to focus your intent on your inner being becoming more than just words spoken by your parents but a physical presence. 

In our youth we began creating our selves. We felt strongly on subjects we deemed important. We struggled with parents and with a structured society that demanded conformity of the many while the few reaped the benefits of the earth's wealth. We saw the path we wanted to become but through frustration and external pressures we succumb to the forces of the intellect and took a path that gained us a position in the structured exploitation of this created reality.

Our politicians seek their own conformity, to stand with the wealthy as this world dies, every faster by the day. Our congressional representatives are child like, fearful of losing their place in the status of societies celebrity obsessions. These performances of importance, to the visual technology controlling our lives, is just another means for the oligarchies to display their greedy power.  They stand in the background, behind the curtain as their actors perform for their meals of cash and popularity.

Closed off separated, eyes tightly closed, the reflection of a bright light creates the instant photograph that keeps one knowing his time and physical space is real, known and unchangeable. A fixture of light play that we exist only through the image determining our future lies. How else would we be able to say I existed but not for images of your former existence. 

Control of structure, visual illusions that give us a feeling of power but we as the consumer are limited in our abilities to find success. We are the eyes and ears they need to create an illusion of freedom but when push comes to shove we are the ones in a cage, albeit decorated with the latest and greatest image fads.  Created from the mind game of power and control.

We can see through our facade to our true inner nature if we have courage to face our divided nature. But this facade hardens as the years pass and the mind accepts his created persona of a superficial lifestyle that he/she must protect at all costs. 

The costs are heavy burdens on the children and the parents forced to migrate to lands of hope, only to find hatred for something they had no control over. As if they were responsible for global warming or wars fought not against hatred of evil but control of the final resources of this precious earth.

We witness life through scripts written in worded stones imprinted in our minds since birth.  We are forced into behavior and thought patterns that instill in us a foundation of control over our fear of change. And fear of our self hood being expressed that is contrary to the rituals of dominance we now submit to because we are afraid of our truth lying in wait to be rooted and to grow into who we were meant to be. Our existence is our gift to others only if we speak our truth through understanding our own internal and physic experiences. Seen through your eyes only, expressed through a lens that captures your inner self in a subject you explored and kept on exploring until you found that moment of light and connection with the truth of your subject and were able to make an image representative of your powerful will, your image created in an external moment becoming your internal revelation.

Our confusion is necessary in order to maintain a corrupted system of greed for the few. We are moving through space on a speck of dust and our liberation is not one of inner knowing but a system of events that supports the intellect and diminishes our intuition. We are stunted for a purpose, through limited knowledge, as a controlling measure to be fitted into place as a cog in a vast wheel of inherent decline of our inner being. Our inability now to see past the lies of the few, so we fall in line and set our goals not to help make changes of equality for all but how to control the moneyed needs of the oligarchs and their stipends for the politicians passing laws that flow upward to these selfish few, never downward to the human beings that struggle everyday, as our world is shrinking and avenues of escape are narrowing and closing with or without a border wall.

We are given delusions of grandeur when we are humbled into obedience from the the strict rule of monied interests.

The reality we are in on this earth is never the same moment 
to moment. We demand continuity but the continuity is in yourself relating to the exterior world. The exterior world has its own structure and it is expressive only to those that can exploit the people with false gods of technology and progress. For technology now is lawful spying on the population with individuals gladly giving their private information over for exploitation and for a few likes in return.

Change is the continuous revelation of self.  We are in constant flux and constant ignorance to our true powers of perception.  We must still these moments with intuitive force to find our truth in a mirage of another dominating thoughts.

We are trapped in sensory charades not creating our own unique self but imitating the fads of the controlling structured illusions that keep us guessing our future without us actually manifesting it with our intuitive knowledge of self expression.

You ignore your present moments of intuitive perception, your unique vision, because your intellect has a grip on your behavior, conditioning you to stand straight and don't slouch, move forward and don't look to the sides, keep your blinder in place, it is necessary for your success. Without your blinders keeping you moving in a certain controlled direction, the one path they put you on, you might be get yourself sideswiped by an individual idea and our goal might get lost in your new perspective.  

That is the new world view.  Keep up with the program, we have formulated for more profit in a growing economy of the few, respect this economy we made because if we make money you will make money too. Obviously not as much as the gluttonous elite but you can glimpse the wealth they have stolen, that they will never share with you peons of ordinary existence. 

Your mind can create scenarios and memories unique only to you, your personal being, present in this moment, feeling a creative force inside you, a new motif of interacting with your subject, your exterior world, a new perceptive connection that assault's your senses with a force of clarity and originality.

The brain demands order and in the face of anxious fears accumulating with growing lies from the corruption of our democracy through monied interests we precede through the 21st century in growing fear that our true lives have been stripped from us and now only an outer shell of conformity exists seeking refuge in a peaceful take over of our independence. 

The free revelations of independent thoughts accuse words of determining our future and put a strangle hold on freedom of creativity, which is your own personal inner vision externalized.

We are insulated from the world that surrounds us and begs us to see the natural beauty beyond the metal forces of illogical concepts that are destroying this planet for monied interests. Human nature is afraid of it's obscene use of nature for private gain and sees the end coming for this beautiful planet because of wealthy investments in the destruction of the earth and it seems there is no turning back. All greedy hands are on board grabbing whatever they can before the economic collapse of our social, political and financial structures. 

Solitude is a witness to your inner world, a means to experience the infinite duration in us with intuitive visions of your potential subjects to create purposeful imagery. That ability to look at the subject with interest begins your journey in creating images that reveal your inner landscape. You can listen to others or listen to your inner unique voice.

The words, thoughts, images you create are spoken only to you, you must explore them with intuition and forceful determination to block out the voices of jealous conformity.

Is it a good idea to keep creating your unique images for future generations to see what was once a powerful force, a revelation for the senses and what became of this once Eden of nature and human kind?