Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 12, 2018

What kind of life will you have if you distrust the reality you live in, created before you were born and has a long history of intellectual folly especially for the inherent many that must make a living for the oppressing gentry folk.

You are born with inherent characteristics that will either increase your chance for success or limit your ability to adapt to the structured living arrangements that have been in place since the first stick was used to kill its competition.

Of course your inherent personality must fight through the oppressive personalities of your parents that will force feed you the same slop they received when they were innocent beings with potential.

Most people trust the reality that surrounds them, they play the game of success even though most of the success is personal changes to adapt to the controlling force of a cemented structure of symbols that instill in us all a means to be herded into a pasture of conformity.

All this pretense of freedoms waving flag is nothing but hypocrisy. It is based on the incompetence of relationships. Or fears of relationships.  Technology makes it easier to limit your contact with a live person making it easier to subdue your natural instinct to be part of the group.  Now the group is nothing more than an illusion of community.  It is a false facade of pretending to be a friend of others when all you are really interested in is the ads you can sell on your popular website.  We have reverted back to being teenagers in high school looking to be the most popular person in your class. And receiving for your manipulative abilities you can decide for others what they should think, feel and hate.  What a world we live in.

Human nature doesn’t want to share. It wants to keep everything it sees for itself period.  Our laws are not their  to control the wild instincts of savages, (those savages don’t have to work, they own the structure that dictates to the masses their common roles they must play or be fined and imprisoned for their independent efforts) but to control the actions of every citizen in this glorious country of more greed, more pleasure more controlling laws that block any chance of the poor and working class moving up into a happier existence.

We now see on the social media sites the good trolls that roam freely under the guise of independent thinkers but in actuality are only hired messenger service lip sync repeaters with the puppet masters making their small tongues wag and wag with no intuitive depth beyond their Pinocchio noses. There behavior is shaming truth in order to maintain the semblance of order on a planet ready to explode.  

Don’t you feel the tidal wave approaching. The wind beginning to speed up the inevitable destruction of independent thoughts.  Intuitions that once claimed some kind of sanity by trying to limit the ruling class accumulating the precious resources that were never theirs to begin with but for all of us to respect and protect because our very lives depended on the natural evolution of man and nature working together and respecting the future generations ability to survive.

Are we at a stage in our visual development that we believe the trillions of images created depicting the beauty of this planet is the whole truth and nothing but the truth and therefore we shouldn't question the powers that be because see these beautiful videos and images are real and climate change is an exaggeration. 

I believe people are beginning to see visual artifacts as reality. 

August 12, 2018

Memory is a cohesive movement of our time line that allows us continuity of being and builds a path to future artistic exploration and intuitive vision. 

Conscious stability for future ventures and exploration of interests each builds a memory step toward a unification of desired results enhancing your chances for success in a physical world view. 

Missed directions take place at the conscious level. Stability in perceptions and in action lessens your chances to create unique personal images from your inner landscape.  When the intellect takes over your visual senses you are hindered with the cultural perceptions of normal.  In other words no one wants to stand out from the crowd.  By doing so you draw attention to yourself and for most people this is to much anxiety for even a moment of fame. 

But what is going on in today's faced paste addiction to being seen.  If we are afraid to stand out then why in today's technological mess do we feel it is OK.  Because you are not seen as you are but as you present yourself.  You are hiding behind an image facade that allows you to delude the attention being driven your way.

Image creation, not image snap shooting, but real image creation is an interior process, an interior battle to find the moment of understanding your subject and connecting on a deep personal level with the scene to create and image that expresses that moment of truth when the shutter is released. Did I create the visual synthesis that I intended?

It is easier to create images that have no personal relationship with your inner intuitive consciousness. They are physical facts that we shoot because they are there. We tend to go through life this way by the demands put upon us by our training growing up with societies rules of behavior.  It is easier to have everyone under the same control than to have individuality become the norm of human beings living in their own unique presence. The herd is alive and well and demands your performance of repetitive behavior. 

Everyone has the right and duty to themselves and to others to live a life that is aware, intuitive and caring for all of nature. After all we are only an intellect away from being put out to pasture. I think the new big bully in our home town will be Mother Nature. 

Image creation intent is to see under the tightly controlled facade of movers and shakers that control the external fabric of our lives but will never control the inner substance of our artistic persona. 

We use many tools to dig deeper into the facade of the wealthy and what we find is a shallow understanding of the intuitive beauty of nature.  All they seem to care about is their bottom line, not love for all and justice for all but capital whereby they can control of the masses.

Intuitive image creation tries to penetrate the facade of
accumulation by seeking a true connection with the external world by opening new avenues of exploration enhancing the perceptions of the people to see beyond their physical nature.