June 18, 2017
The Tao of Zen, " Fancy words and profound thoughts, after all the sidling rhetoric and transcendent experience engendered by the spell of words there remains the certain bounds set by the natural absolutes of physical existence."
We have lost that connection with ourselves under layers of daily trivia.
What is left over after the wealth has altered equal rights we look for distractions to take are minds away from thinking about the lessening of our personal goals.
A feeling of anxiety as monopolies squeeze the independent thoughts and we begin to feel doubt creeping into our consciousness. We begin to realize that there is not enough time to do what we need to be doing with our own thoughts that give us strength. We assume we are not good enough to take the next step, so we live in regrets.
Memory acts as consciousness and what we remember connects us to our past. But we have substituted our personal memories of living with someone else's.
So when we reflect we don't see or hear our own unique voice. We are no longer the center point of our living perspective but now see another presence using us as their vehicle for expression and this becomes our only perspective as we ignore our own path toward our created essence.
We now doubt our memories as we view external images rushing over us as a violent river and overwhelming our ability to understand a coherent string of time. Herd instinct, innovation now is the eye candy to create an impulse to act not from your own needs but by someone else's propaganda for more and more unnatural things that only address image clutter and inner confusion.
The family unit, the intimacy of an inner life, now exposed to the world. We begin to feel disconnected from our lives and our private moments. When we share now we don't write a letter or talk to the friend or family member face to face we now broadcast it so everyone knows our personal information.
Through growing ego, a selfish need to be exposed without a real purposeful perspective or authentic sense of yourself, you are not present in the now. Your inner life is now becoming unbearable, your concentration on any topic, a strain to focus on the facts, the image becoming your words without contemplation. Your vocabulary reduced to tweets, short and copied from other posts in the messy illusion of independence.
This short nest of speech substituting it with less and less words become a necessary drug to dissolve your inner lack of confidence. Your inner turmoil now only a shallow denial of who is controlling your voice.
The new outer acceptance, the acceptance of your life as an object to be exploited for financial gain, nothing more nothing less.
You don't have to think, the computer does it for you. As your brain cells slowly leave a barren mind you give less and less of your true self until what is left is a mouth piece for repetitious tweets that are posted for seconds and then released to the infinite details that should be embarrassing to us.
Ask any question and a mechanical voice answers without emotion or nuance to her voice, just facts that bend the truth toward more and more control of your thought process and your ability to separate a con from the truth. The facts loaded by minds that only give rote memorized data to be repeated to the masses.
The outside images you see focus on canned responses without emotion.
Understood even before action takes place, memorized steps cemented in memories of illusions you will die defending. Obstructs your vision of your sense of self or distracts from your life adventure.
Information warfare against the independent minds of youthful skeptics.
Social media is entertainment, corporate media is entertainment, addicts you to the horrors of someone else's pain, making them a spectacle of created choice on how will this effect our viewers as a possible reflection of us on camera.
Spin your mind, twirl yourself with excuses and land deep under the precious gold of greed. Politics of created memory. Social media creates illusions of yourself in a market scheme your being taught to participate in. To think only of closing the sale. The selling of yourself, an ad for a surface reflection outward, not a reflection inward to who you truly are. We put on the Ritz and are not honest with ourselves in becoming our true nature.
Social media is a runaway circus of visual stimulus and a redundancy of words that don't add up to a complete idea, or understanding by illumination a context that is true but we ignore this because of the adrenaline rush of images we are bombarded with every second. Where has the value of words gone.
Your connection is to an animal hungry to get at your behavior no matter what the costs. It wants to know all your secrets and exploit those secrets to make cash. Disconnected from live bodies we are more and more showing a willingness to be alone, thinking we are connected. We are moving quickly into a collective media, consumer consciousness whose only purpose is buy and buy until it we are broken with nothing to show for our effort but material things that consume the planets resources.
Our social consciousness changing becoming addicted to the dopamine adrenalin rush of images and texting that stimulate your behavior to retreat from life and assume a static stance of an empty vessel. Being filled with meaningless, superficial and shallow facts that ultimately mean nothing in the advancement of your independence from the claws of consumer capitalism.
If you don't respect yourself you lose your inner value. We should seek our world through original eyes. Social media destroys consciousness of mother culture. We cease to be part of but only a fragment in a big puzzle that controls our hours and our days. With these soundbites of shallow meaning we accept the voices as real.But they are not us, we are an individual with our own mind and need for unique personal expression.
Sorry for the digressions lets talk about photography. One of my favorite photographers was
Eugene Smith. His words still resonate with me as I was taking photojournalism classes in college.
He was meticulous in creating his imagery. He had to control the environment to make an image worth its weight in meaning.
His insights to grasp the person and create a scene worthy of publication is legendary.
He was a photographer that held to his purpose and didn't allow distraction to interfere with his ability to get the vision the way he new would become meaningful to a wide audience.
He would listen to his editor but never allow an outside force to interfere with his vision for the subject. No preconceived ideas in this man.
What is the creative self? Is it a person with an agenda to complete a list of images to be taken in a certain order? Hardly, a creative person takes the ordinary and transforms it into an expression of his inner landscape. He is not concerned about like and dislikes he could care less about that. For the creative person a great image is one that he deeply felt and wasn't afraid to take. It is knowing your subject and allowing the subject to unfold its personal nature. Whether that is a landscape, a person, an object it doesn't matter, if you have vision anything can become a work of art.