Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014

Freeman Patterson, "Letting go of self is an essential precondition to real seeing.  When you let go of yourself, you abandon any preconceptions about the subject matter that might cramp you into photographing in a certain way".

We have been overwhelmed in our daily life through technology.  It appears to give us freedom and more choices but instead limits our ability to engage with real situations and interact with those common places we used to have a relationship with.

It is hard to let go of self when you are constantly thinking social media.  Your body and mind are a unit and one effects the other.  Letting go of your need to expose your daily life on social media will give you a chance to breath and step back from your fruitless efforts at fame and begin to decompress from the daily pressure to post.  Take a deep breath and relax your mind and body.  Go to a place you haven't been before.  Open up your mind to new possibilities in the potential subjects you see.  You don't even have to make an image just be present get used to the new feeling of being in the now.

                             Metal art sculpture at the Bellevue Art Festival, Artist Andy Byrne