Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 13, 2015

Susan Sontag, "Imperfect technique has come to be appreciated precisely because it breaks the sedate equation of nature and beauty."

Good photography is being in the moment when creating images.

Having an intense connection to your subject, whereby your focus is direct and you are using technique and inspiration to create a personal image to share with others is your truth manifested.  When you rush and gun by clicking the shutter randomly you are demeaning the purpose of photography.  Photography is inspiration realized through concentrated effort by connecting with your subject.

When you are in the moment time ceases to exist and you are experiencing the scene with a gratitude of self release.   By experiencing the scene first hand (with all your senses heighten) you will greatly increases your ability to make worth while imagery.

You are not trying to take a picture of  the subject and move on quickly but experiencing the scene one on one and forgetting for a few hours your own time and space but just living in the experience without pulling back and moving on to the next and greatest.

If you hurry through moments,  just taking snap shots, you lose the ability to establish a connection with your subject that you need to create good imagery.

On the other side of the coin:

When you create a barrier between you and your experience (automatically pulling out your cell phone) you are not concentrating on your subject but instead concentrating on your ego.

This reflects the modern obsession with celebrity.  You are the focus of the camera.  You are both the photographer and the subject.   How self centered is that and how fragmented the mind becomes, as we enter into a new age of looking at ourselves as objects and not the point from which we view the world.

To make good imagery we must reject this mania of status that has been created by corporate media. This will only distract and disrupt your flow of intuition, as you begin to explore true image creation.  It is a balancing act between you and the subject.  If you tip to far one way over the other you will lose the observer status all good image makers must become and impose your will on the scene which leads to a narcissistic expression of infatuation of self on a two dimensional surface.

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